STAR Commerce project

STAR Commerce is front end component used for implementation of horizontally scalable eCommerce platforms. It utilizes existing administration interfaces and APIs of current eCommerce installations for entire back end functionality while giving complete control over front end.


  1. What is in here
  2. Setup
  3. Road map and current state of the project
  4. Notes

1. What is in here

This repository is currently set up for local development and it utilizes Vagrant with VirtualBox provider to emulate production environment on Windows, OS X and Linux.

You should read more on Vagrant if you're not familiar with it before you proceed.

Supported box types will be: loadbalancer, application, mysql, apiprovider. Initial vagrant up will spin up everything that you need to have local setup available at on you machine after following setup below.

Also, there might be other boxes in the future, so check out Setup section below in the future if you have any issues.

This repo is a modified version of of generated Puphpet template. Check it out, it's awesome! Also, all requirements they have, we have as well...


Setup is fairly simple as it consists of just 3 steps:

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  2. Run vagrant up
  3. Append line to your hosts file

IP will be fixed to load balancer, and internal configs of dependencies are pointed accordingly.

To see what's exactly happening, check out *.yaml files in /puphpet/boxes directory

Road map and current state of the project

Original road map planning is available at our corporate blog and we're currently in phase of setting up repositories and boxes, load_balancer box is still missing.

This repository contains entire infrastructure definition and all repositories it depends on described through Vagrant and Puppet files.


  1. Tested on Ubuntu 15.10
  2. READMEs are currently incomplete and perhaps not 100% accurate
  3. Load Balancer statistics can be accessed at with username haproxy and password password - that can be changed in /puphpet/boxes load balancer yaml file