
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

standard-readme compliant License: MIT Typescript codecov Semantic Release Commitizen friendly


A set of utilities to simplify aws applications development, testing and deployment.


Routineless nx-aws-cdk is a tool to generate boilerplate structure for cloud backend application managed by cdk.

For detailed documentation navigate to the package.


Executable package that utilizes @routineless/nx-aws-cdk plugin to generate initial project structure.


npx create-aws-cdk-app <workspace-name>

Local testing

In order to test plugin locally deploy local npm registry using docker-compose in docker dir.

run npm run publish:local to publish routineless to the local registry.

run npm_config_registry=http://localhost:4873 npx create-aws-cdk-app@local test-workspace to generate workspace with routineless aws cdk preset.