A command-line system information tool for Arch Linux.
usage: alsi [options]
main options:
-a --archey : use archey's logo
-n --screenfetch : use screenfetch's logo
-f --file-logo=file : read logo from a specific file
-t --text-color : use color for values as well
-l --list : output the lines bellow the logo
-u --usage-colors : highlight the usage for RAM and HDD
--usage-bcolors : same as above, but with bold colors
--bold=[color] : change the bold color
--normal=[color] : change the normal color
--[color] : set color1 and color2 at the same color.
Available colors are: black, red, green yellow,
blue, purple, cyan and white
other options:
-s --screenshot : take a screenshot
--update-config : update the configuration file
--noconfig : don't load the configuration file