
Browser Game

Create a browser game based on an existing card or dice game. Model the game logic and then display it in the browser for a user to interact with.

Make your own MVP with some specific goals to be achieved based on the game you choose to model.

You might use persistence to keep track of the state of the game or track scores/wins. Other extended features will depend on the game you choose.

To run follow:

In top level folder:

  • in terminal run "npm install" to get all used dependencies
  • in terminal type "mongod" and leave it running
  • in new terminal tab type "mongo < seeds.js" to seed database
  • in terminal run "npm start" and leave it running

In client folder:

  • in terminal type "webpack -w" and leave it running

In browser:

For best experience hide browser's toolbar and go fullscreen. Enjoy ;)


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