
Solutions for the Advent of Code 2021 - mirror of https://git.trizz.io/trizz/adventofcode

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code

Build Status

In this repository, you'll find my Advent of Code framework and solutions. If you want to use this framework for your own solution, just remove all data in the ./data folder and all folders for each year in the ./src folder (for example ./src/Y21, ./src/Y22, etc.)

🛠 Setup and running

  • Run composer install to install the dependencies.
  • Run ./aoc day {day} {year?} to run the solution for a specific day. If year is not given, use the current year (for example ./aoc day 1 to run the code for day 1 2022)
  • Run ./aoc puzzle {day} {year?} to get the description of the puzzle for the specific day.
  • Run composer test to automatically validate the solutions.

🧩 Add a new puzzle/solution

  • Create a directory in ./data/Y??/day? with the correct name.
    • Create example.txt with the example values from the puzzle.
    • Create data.txt with your personal input.
    • Create puzzle.md with the puzzle description. You can use this plugin to easily convert the puzzle to markdown.
  • Create a new class in the src/Y??/Day??.php directory and make sure it has the structure defined below.
  • Run composer test to run all the tests.
Solution structure

namespace trizz\AdventOfCode\Y21;

// Make sure the classname is correct.
class Day1 extends Solution
  // Provide the expected results for part 1.
  public static int $part1ExampleResult = null;
  public static int $part1Result = null;

  // Provide the expected results for part 2.
  public static int $part2ExampleResult = null;
  public static int $part2Result = null;
  protected function part1(array $data): int
      // Solution for part 1.

  protected function part2(array $data): int
    // Solution for part 2.