
Jupyter notebook tutorials/cookbooks demonstrating analysis on the SciServer platform

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

This directory is a place to collect helpful Jupyter notebooks specifically designed for HEASARC@SciServer. We include

  • rxte_example_lightcurves.ipynb: an example of light curve extraction
  • rxte_example_spectral.ipynb: an example of spectral extraction
  • data_access.ipynb: a discussion of how to access data on SciServer
  • demo_rxte_ml.ipynb: a quick example of Machine Learning on Eta Car RXTE light curves.
  • wwt_demo.ipynb: a demo of using the World Wide Telescope

Community inputs are welcomed and encouraged! After vetting by HEASARC, we can add them to our contrib area.

(Please run

jupyter nbconvert --clear-output --inplace *ipynb

before committing any changes to notebooks.)