
Utility script to help fill out product descriptions for a particular British e-commerce website.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


1. Using the Python script fillsh.py

This is a script to help fill out product descriptions for a particular online British men's fashion store. When run from the command line, the script takes one required argument to specify the operation to be performed ('1' for step_1 or '2' for step_2).

By default, it looks for an Excel file named Descr.xlsx in the script's own directory and processes all non-empty rows. Optionally, it may take a path to an Excel file (ending with .xlsx), and with the -r option, the number of rows to process.


git clone https://github.com/trk9001/trkopx.git
cd trkopx

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

chmod +x fillsh.py


  1. python>=3.6
  2. openpyxl>=2.5 (install with pip from requirements.txt)


usage: fillsh.py [-h] <OPERATION> [FILE] [-r R]

positional arguments:
  OPERATION {1,2}  choose one of the two OPERATIONS (step 1 or 2)
  FILE             path to the Excel file (Descr.xlsx)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -r R, --rows R   process R rows (defaults to all)


cd into the same directory as the script.

  • [source venv/bin/activate &&] python -m fillsh a
  • [source venv/bin/activate &&] ./fillsh.py b /home/user/this.xlsx -r 42

2. Using the Bash (wrapper) script fillsh

The bash wrapper makes it easy to run the fillsh.py script (including activating/deactivating any virtual env) from any directory, just like a regular Bash utility.


  • Place the bash script in ~/bin. If the directory doesn't exist, mkdir it. This ensures that you can access the script from anywhere (~/bin is added to your shell's PATH).

  • Edit the script to change the first two variables, scr and venv, to the root directories of the script and its virtual env respectively.

  • chmod +x ~/bin/fillsh


usage: fillsh {1,2} [-f file] [-r rows]

Pretty self-explanatory, if you've read the usage section under 1. Using the Python script fillsh.py

3. What is this?

This is one of my first useful Python projects. I write product descriptions for an online fashion store, looking at their provided corresponding images. Over time, it got boring so I decided to automate (most of) it.


  1. Receive the weekly batch, containing an Excel sheet and a folder of images. The sheet has two columns for descriptions (for the website and the catalog). The first column often has some keywords that must be used. The text of the two columns must differ, at least in the beginning and the end. Consecutive products must not have the same descriptive text.

  2. From a terminal at the working dir of this script, activate the virtual env and run this command to fill the second column with customized description templates for each product:
    ./fillsh.py 1 path/to/Excel/file

  3. Fill in all the templates. If a product needs to be skipped (eg. if it's too complex to be processed by this script), enter SKIP into any column. For products with post-scripts, enter EZPZ similarly (yes).

  4. From a terminal at the working dir of this script, activate the virtual env and run this command to fill in (or overwrite) the first column, hopefully completing the sheet:
    ./fillsh.py 2 path/to/Excel/file

  5. Fill in any skipped products' descriptions manually.

  6. Turn in the Excel sheet.

Quite obviously,

this little project is not going to directly benefit anyone who isn't an employee of the mentioned store. It's still open source since I'm hoping that anyone looking to create something similar can use this for inspiration or even take it and modify it for their own purposes.

4. Feedback

If you find a bug, please open an Issue here to report it. Note that I'll only accept Pull Requests if they are useful and match the style of the rest of this project.

If you have questions and/or comments, please drop me a line anytime you like at:

dev.trk.9001 (at) gmail (dot) com

5. License

CC BY-SA 4.0

© 2018 by trk9001. This project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: CC BY-SA 4.0.