
ReST API server for the Nutrition Diary app.

Primary LanguagePython

ReST API for the Nutrition Diary app

For the actual application's code, please see habiib4's nutrition-diary repository. The ReST API served via this repository aims to conform to the one provided by Nutritionix on a freemium basis.

API endpoints

For the current version of the API (v1), the following endpoints are available:

  • GET api/v1/list:
    Lists all the nutrition data currently in the database.

  • GET api/v1/search/<term>/:
    Lists all the nutrition data for the foods matched by the search term <term>.

Note that both these endpoints support an additional parameter limit, which limits the number of items listed. For example:

$ GET api/v1/list/?limit=5
$ GET api/v1/search/rice/?limit=5