
Kocaeli Uni. Yaz. Lab. 2.3

Primary LanguageJava


The main goal of the project is to convert sentences into a graph structure and perform Sentence Selection-based Summarization. By transforming sentences into a graph, the project aims to visualize the semantic relationships among sentences in the text and identify important sentences based on these relationships.


  • Requirements: There are detailed explanations about what is required in the project.
  • Solution: There are detailed explanations about our solution.

Used Dependencies

  • Backend

    • Java
      • Spring Boot
        • Spring Web
        • Spring Data Neo4J
        • Websocket
        • Spring Kafka
        • Lombok
        • Open API (Swagger UI)
    • Python
      • Flask
      • NLTK
      • scipy
      • numpy
      • rouge
      • spacy
      • kafka
  • Frontend

    • Angular
      • Electron
      • Material UI
      • Ngx Spinner
      • sockjs-client
      • stompjs
      • Vis.js
  • Database

    • Neo4J

System Design

System Design


