
Userstamp for created and updated columns within mongoid

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Mongoid::Userstamp Build Status Code Climate

Mongoid::Userstamp adds stamp columns for created by and updated by information within Rails applications using Mongoid ORM.

Version Support

Mongoid::Userstamp is tested on the following versions:

  • Ruby 2.0+
  • Rails 3.2, 4.x
  • Mongoid 3.1, 4.x, 5.x


  gem 'mongoid_userstamp'


Mongoid::Userstamp does the following:

  • Defines Mongoid belongs_to relations to the user class for created_by and updated_by on each class where Mongoid::Userstamp is included
  • Automatically tracks the current user via a before_filter (see Rails Integration below)
  • Sets the created_by and updated_by values in before_save and before_update callbacks respectively on the target models.
  • Adds methods to the user class to check for the current user.
  # Default config (optional unless you want to customize the values)
  Mongoid::Userstamp.config do |c|
    c.user_reader = :current_user
    c.created_name = :created_by
    c.updated_name = :updated_by

  # Example model class
  class Product
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp

    # optional class-level config override
    # mongoid_userstamp user_model: 'MyUser',
    #                   created_name: :creator,
    #                   updated_name: :updater,
  # Example user class
  class MyUser
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp::User

    # optional class-level config override
    # mongoid_userstamp_user reader: :current_my_user

  # Create instance
  p = Product.create

  # Creator ObjectID   |   Updater ObjectID
  p.created_by_id      |   p.updated_by_id
  # => BSON::ObjectId('4f7c719f476da850ba000039')

  # Creator instance   |   Updater instance
  p.created_by         |   p.updated_by
  # => <User _id: 4f7c719f476da850ba000039>

  # Set creator/updater manually (usually not required)
  p.created_by = MyUser.where(name: 'Will Smith')
  p.updated_by = MyUser.where(name: 'DJ Jazzy Jeff')

Preservation of Manually-set Values

Mongoid::Userstamp will not overwrite manually set values in the creator and updater fields. Specifically:

  • The creator is only set during the creation of new models (before_create callback). Mongoid::Userstamp will not overwrite the creator field if it already contains a value (i.e. was manually set.)
  • The updater is set each time the model is saved (before_create callback), which includes the initial creation. Mongoid::Userstamp will not overwrite the updater field if it been modified since the last save, as per Mongoid's built-in "dirty tracking" feature.

Rails Integration

Popular Rails authentication frameworks such as Devise and Sorcery make a current_user method available in your Controllers. Mongoid::Userstamp will automatically use this to set its user reference in a before_filter on each request. (You can set an alternative method name via the user_reader config.)

Gotcha: If you have special controller actions which change/switch the current user to a new user, you will need to set User.current = new_user after the switch occurs.

Thread Safety

Mongoid::Userstamp stores all-related user variables in Thread.current. If the RequestStore gem is installed, Mongoid::Userstamp will automatically store variables in the RequestStore.store instead. RequestStore is recommended for threaded web servers like Thin or Puma.

Advanced Usage: Scoped Execution

It is possible to execute a block of code within the context of a given user as follows:

User.current = staff
User.current          #=> staff

User.do_as(admin) do
  User.current        #=> admin

User.current          #=> staff

Advanced Usage: Multiple User Classes

Most Rails apps use a single user model. However, Mongoid::Userstamp supports using multiple user models at once, and will track a separate current_user for each class.

Please note that each model may subscribe to only one user type for its userstamps, set via the :user_model option.

  class Admin
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp::User

    mongoid_userstamp_user reader: :current_admin

  class Customer
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp::User

    mongoid_userstamp_user reader: :current_customer

  class Album
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp

    mongoid_userstamp user_model: 'Customer'

  class Label
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Userstamp

    mongoid_userstamp user_model: 'Admin'

  # Set current user for each type
  Admin.current = Admin.where(name: 'Biz Markie')
  Customer.current = Customer.where(name: 'Sir Mix-A-Lot')

  # In your Controller action
  album = Album.new('Baby Got Back Single')
  album.created_by.name   #=> 'Sir Mix-A-Lot'

  label = Label.new('Cold Chillin Records')
  label.created_by.name   #=> 'Biz Markie'


Fork -> Patch -> Spec -> Push -> Pull Request

Please use Ruby 1.9.3 hash syntax, as Mongoid 3 requires Ruby >= 1.9.3



Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Thomas Boerger Programmierung http://www.tbpro.de

Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). Refer to LICENSE for details.