Sysdig Compliance Report Generator

This project creates a "glossy" style summary report for current compliance findings in the Sysdig Secure console. The detaisl in the report reflect the data in the Sysdig Console at the time of execution. The intention of this report is to give an overview for the current standing of a given policy and its related requirements.

The report generated will be bound by compliance "zone" in order for the returned info to have usable context. More than one policy per zone can be included in the report.


This project is written in Python and requires Python 3 to execute.

This project requires wkhtmltopdf for PDF generation. We are not using any features that would require a "patched" version.

Other requirements are captures in the requirements.txt generated from pip.


$ python ./

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -z ZONE, --zone=ZONE  limit report results to a specific zone
  -p POLICY, --policy=POLICY
                        specific policy, or list of policies to create report
                        for - if more than one policy, use the format "<policy
                        name1>, <policy name2>, ..."
  -s SECURE_URL, --secure-url=SECURE_URL
                        Sysdig Secure Console base URL
  -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN
                        Sysdig Secure API Token
  -l LOGGING, --logging=LOGGING
                        Set logging level for report generator

The following options can also be provided via environment variable:

Option ENV Var
--secure_url SDC_SECURE_URL


Reports will be written to the reports directory under the project root dir. Reports will be named releative to the time they were generated.