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Did I Win?

This is a mostly pointless tool for manually checking PoolTogether wins before they are claimed. It's for the truly impatient people who just must know if they won before they win.


This app was made using SSS. Use this template for your own site by running: npm init sss <directory>.

Change app options in sss.config.json.


Run npm run dev to start the development server. Edit the svelte and typescript files in the src folder to make changes to your app. Change the docs/index.html file directly to make changes to your app's metadata and to add additional stylesheets or resource links.


When your app is production ready, run the following command to output the static site bundle to the docs/bundle directory:


npm run build


npm run build-win


After building your bundle, publish the static files in the docs directory on the platform of your choice, or if your build directory is named docs, you can host them directly on github by enabling github pages to serve directly from the docs folder in your repository.