
Instagram clone on Rails 7. User create and edit posts/profiles, like/unlike posts, follow/unfollow profiles, analytics page, scroll for more post view.

Primary LanguageRuby

#About Instagram

Following Youtube course I made "Instagram" clone page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhxLOC-9kW0
On this page we have:
- Scaffold posts: title, description, keywords
- Bootstrap navbar, hamburger menu and footer
- Post validations title/description/keyword length and required
- Posts styling
- Upload new images with new post
- Static pages home/ about and feed
- Devise gem for user options
- User authentication, only logged users can create posts 
- My Page for logged in users posts
- Scaffold comment on posts (anonymous, not connected to any user)
- Profile for users
- Avatar image in profile for users
- Like button/unlike for posts
- Users can follow other users, see only followed users posts
- Search functionality with search bar
- Tryed to add Admin panel /admin, but not working
- Added gem Pagy - paginations, auto load new posts when on end
- Added Analytics panel for admins on /analytics
- Home shows posts of users we follow, Feed link shows all posts