drastic-stewrad for rg35xxh

If it helped you



In the path below, you can download batocera containing drastic-steward.




Table of Contents

1.Changes compared to the original onion-drastic custom for miyoomini, A30

2.how to install

3.defined key

4.modify input

Changes compared to the original onion-drastic custom for miyoomini, A30

1.add dpad-hat input processing
2.apply to rg35xx-p/h display (miyoomini is implemented as a 180-degree rotated display mounted screen, so it is changed)
3.change the save path (/userdata/saves/nds/drastic/)
4.use as dpad input on right analog stick 90 degree screen
5.add Korean to language script and replace with Korean-enabled fonts
6.implement left analog stick and right analog stick to move touch on the normal display mode

how to install

1.download below file


2.unzip file and copy it to device

3.excute install by dingux command or command line (some of files will be removed after install)

4.assign nds by drastic_steward

defined key

Hotkey - mode key (can be changed from custom setting to select)
Hotkey + left / right: Change the display mode
Hotkey + up / down: Change touch cursor screen
Hotkey + b : pixel / blur
Hotkey + y : Change the theme
Hotkey + select : Display the original drastic setting screen
Hotkey + start: Display custom setting screen
Hotkey + r1 : Fast Forward
Hotkey + l1 : exit

l2 : Display touch cursor
r2 : swap Screen

left analog stick : move touch cursor
r3 : touch button pressed

modifiy input

i add parameters in settings.json to replace with new input (ex. keyboard) all default value is setup for rg35xxh.


code value in evtest

  Event: time 1717073766.640482, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 103 (KEY_UP), value 0

Keyboard key values were assigned the same as Miu Mini.

nds button keyboard button
up up
down down
left left
right right
a space
b lctrl
x lshift
y lalt
l e
r t
l2 tab
r2 backspace
l3 4
r3 5
select rctrl
start return
menu window
quick save 0
quick load 1
fast forward 2
exit 3


Steward-fu initially implemented to allow the skin to be overlaid on the nds game screen for the miyoo mini.I've only made some modifications for use with the rg35xx-h device.

Below is the original source path.
