
Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Flutter BtlePlug

A cross-platform Flutter Bluetooth plugin, based on btleplug.

Check frb2 branch for a version that works with flutter_rust_bridge v2.


The project uses Melos to build the package. dart pub global activate melos

Getting Started

To build locally for Android run: melos run build:android-dev

This will build the library and copy all necessary files to android/src/main/jniLibs.

Then run cd example && flutter run.

In case you get errors such as:

../../btleplug/lib/src/bridge_generated.dart:92:43: Error: The method 'wire_init' isn't defined for the class 'BtleplugWire'.
 - 'BtleplugWire' is from 'package:btleplug/src/bridge_generated.io.dart' ('../../btleplug/lib/src/bridge_generated.io.dart').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'wire_init'.
      callFfi: (port_) => _platform.inner.wire_init(port_)

rebuild with melos run build:android-dev-from-scratch. Repeat until it works ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


The package is in early development, if you want to help open an issue and we'll figure it out.

Platform Feature Table

  • X: Completed and released
  • O: In development
  • Blank: Not started
Feature Windows MacOS / iOS Linux Android
Bring Up Adapter X
Handle Multiple Adapters
Discover Devices X
└ Discover Services
└ Discover Characteristics
└ Discover Descriptors
└ Discover Name
└ Discover Manufacturer Data
└ Discover Service Data
└ Discover MAC address
GATT Server Connect X
GATT Server Connect Event X
GATT Server Disconnect X
GATT Server Disconnect Event X
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Read from Characteristic
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Unsubscribe from Characteristic
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Read Descriptor
Write Descriptor