
Java flavor faster Embulk output plugin to load/insert data into Google BigQuery

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Embulk output plugin to load/insert data into Google BigQuery using direct insert


This plugin is targeting Java version of embulk-output-bigquery and some additional functions. Most of features are not implemented right row. You should use jruby version for stable transfer.

load data into Google BigQuery as batch jobs for big amount of data https://developers.google.com/bigquery/loading-data-into-bigquery

  • Plugin type: output
  • Resume supported: no
  • Cleanup supported: no
  • Dynamic table creating: yes


Current version of this plugin supports Google API with Service Account Authentication, but does not support OAuth flow for installed applications.

  • before_load: SQL query might be executed before loading to the table
  • column_options.description: add description in Bigquery field


Under construction

Original options

name (x) is unsupported type required? default description
mode (replace, append is supported) string optional "append" See Mode
auth_method (service_account is supported) string optional "application_default" See Authentication
json_keyfile string optional keyfile path or content
project (x) string required unless service_account's json_keyfile is given. project_id
dataset string required dataset
location string optional nil geographic location of dataset. See Location
table string required table name, or table name with a partition decorator such as table_name$20160929
auto_create_dataset boolean optional false automatically create dataset
auto_create_table boolean optional true false is available only for append_direct mode. Other modes require true. See Dynamic Table Creating and Time Partitioning
schema_file (x) string optional /path/to/schema.json
template_table string optional template table name. See Dynamic Table Creating
job_status_max_polling_time int optional 3600 sec Max job status polling time
job_status_polling_interval int optional 10 sec Job status polling interval
is_skip_job_result_check boolean optional false Skip waiting Load job finishes. Available for append, or delete_in_advance mode
with_rehearsal (x) boolean optional false Load rehearsal_counts records as a rehearsal. Rehearsal loads into REHEARSAL temporary table, and delete finally. You may use this option to investigate data errors as early stage as possible
rehearsal_counts (x) integer optional 1000 Specify number of records to load in a rehearsal
abort_on_error boolean optional true if max_bad_records is 0, otherwise false Raise an error if number of input rows and number of output rows does not match
column_options (not fully supported) hash optional See Column Options
default_timezone string optional UTC
default_timestamp_format string optional %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N
payload_column (x) string optional nil See Formatter Performance Issue
payload_column_index (x) integer optional nil See Formatter Performance Issue
gcs_bucket (x) string optional nil See GCS Bucket
auto_create_gcs_bucket (x) boolean optional false See GCS Bucket
progress_log_interval (x) float optional nil (Disabled) Progress log interval. The progress log is disabled by nil (default). NOTE: This option may be removed in a future because a filter plugin can achieve the same goal
before_load string optional nil if set, this SQL will be executed before loading all records in append mode. In replace mode, SQL is not executed.

Client or request options

name type required? default description
open_timeout_sec (x) integer optional 300 Seconds to wait for the connection to open
timeout_sec (x) integer optional 300 Seconds to wait for one block to be read (google-api-ruby-client < v0.11.0)
send_timeout_sec (x) integer optional 300 Seconds to wait to send a request (google-api-ruby-client >= v0.11.0)
read_timeout_sec (x) integer optional 300 Seconds to wait to read a response (google-api-ruby-client >= v0.11.0)
retries integer optional 5 Number of retries
application_name (x) string optional "Embulk BigQuery plugin" User-Agent
sdk_log_level (x) string optional nil (WARN) Log level of google api client library

Options for intermediate local files

name type required? default description
path_prefix string optional Path prefix of local files such as "/tmp/prefix_". Default randomly generates with tempfile
sequence_format (x) string optional .%d.%d Sequence format for pid, thread id
file_ext string optional The file extension of local files such as ".csv.gz" ".json.gz". Default automatically generates from source_format and compression
skip_file_generation (x) boolean optional Load already generated local files into BigQuery if available. Specify correct path_prefix and file_ext.
delete_from_local_when_job_end boolean optional true If set to true, delete generate local files when job is end
compression string optional "NONE" Compression of local files (GZIP or NONE)

source_format is also used to determine formatter (csv or jsonl).

Same options of bq command-line tools or BigQuery job's property

Following options are same as bq command-line tools or BigQuery job's property.

name type required? default description
source_format (jsonl is available) string required "CSV" File type (NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON or CSV)
max_bad_records int optional 0
field_delimiter (x) char optional ","
encoding (x) string optional "UTF-8" UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
ignore_unknown_values (x) boolean optional false
allow_quoted_newlines (x) boolean optional false Set true, if data contains newline characters. It may cause slow procsssing
time_partitioning hash optional {"type":"DAY"} if table parameter has a partition decorator, otherwise nil See Time Partitioning
time_partitioning.type string required nil The only type supported is DAY, which will generate one partition per day based on data loading time.
time_partitioning.expiration_ms int optional nil Number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage for a partition.
time_partitioning.field string optional nil DATE or TIMESTAMP column used for partitioning
clustering (x) hash optional nil Currently, clustering is supported for partitioned tables, so must be used with time_partitioning option. See clustered tables
clustering.fields (x) array required nil One or more fields on which data should be clustered. The order of the specified columns determines the sort order of the data.
schema_update_options (x) array optional nil (Experimental) List of ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION or ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION or both. See jobs#configuration.load.schemaUpdateOptions. NOTE for the current status: schema_update_options does not work for copy job, that is, is not effective for most of modes such as append, replace and replace_backup. delete_in_advance deletes origin table so does not need to update schema. Only append_direct can utilize schema update.

Column Options (NOT fully supported)

Column options are used to aid guessing BigQuery schema, or to define conversion of values:

  • column_options: advanced: an array of options for columns
    • name: column name
    • type: BigQuery type such as BOOLEAN, INTEGER, FLOAT, STRING, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME, DATE, RECORD, and NUMERIC. See belows for supported conversion type.
      • boolean (x): BOOLEAN, STRING (default: BOOLEAN)
      • double (x): INTEGER, FLOAT, STRING, TIMESTAMP (default: FLOAT)
      • json (x): STRING, RECORD (default: STRING)
      • numeric (x): STRING
    • mode: BigQuery mode such as NULLABLE, REQUIRED, and REPEATED (string, default: NULLABLE)
    • **fields (x) **: Describes the nested schema fields if the type property is set to RECORD. Please note that this is required for RECORD column.
    • timestamp_format: timestamp format to convert into/from timestamp (string, default is default_timestamp_format)
    • timezone: timezone to convert into/from timestamp, date (string, default is default_timezone).
    • description: Description for BigQuery field
    • scale: optional, scale for numeric column (long, default is 9).
  • default_timestamp_format: default timestamp format for column_options (string, default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N")
  • default_timezone: default timezone for column_options (string, default is "UTC")


  type: bigquery
  auto_create_table: true
    - {name: date, type: STRING, timestamp_format: %Y-%m-%d, timezone: "Asia/Tokyo"}
    - name: json_column
      type: RECORD
        - {name: key1, type: STRING}
        - {name: key2, type: STRING}


$ ./gradlew gem  # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously


$ embulk run config.yml -L PATH/embulk-output-bigquery_java/build/gemContents/