
A small and simple provider for changing locale in angular

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small and simple provider for changing locale in angular. To use, import module 'troch.l10n' in your app.

var app = angular.module('app', ['troch.l10n']);

Building library

By default, no locales are included in angular-l10n.js. All locales available with angularjs can be used in your applicaation. For including locales you need in your app:

With gulp

Run the following command line with the locales you want to be available in your angular application. Example: gulp build --locales=en-gb,fr-fr

Without gulp

Simply replace /*LOCALES_HERE*/ in angular-l10n.js with the list of ocales required by your application. All locales are located in folders locales/js or locales/min (non-uglified and uglified files). The final file should look like below:

}).config(['$l10nProvider', function($l10nProvider) {
    $l10nProvider.addLocale(function(){ ... id:'fr-fr',...}());
    $l10nProvider.addLocale(function(){ ... id:'en-gb',...}());

How to use

Set locale in app config

This will set the locale your application will start with.

app.config(['$l10nProvider', function($locationProvider) {

Change locale from anywhere in your app

$l10n needs to be injected in your controller or directive
