
Resolve module dependencies to paths (relative to a base path)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm version Build Status Coverage Status


Resolve module dependencies to a list of possible paths.

npm install --save mresolve

This module doesn't access files directly and doesn't check if a file exists. It only access package.json files from your application and its dependants.



Create a new resolver with the specified options:

  • base: your application / repository base path (default to process.cwd())
  • extensions: the list of possible extensions for a file (default to ['.js'])
  • moduleDirectory: the directory name where npm dependencies are located (default to node_modules)
  • paths: a lists of additional paths where files can be located (default to []). This is handy if you don't want to use relative paths when importing / requiring modules.

resolver.resolveDependency(dependency[, relativeTo])

Returns an object containing the following properties:

  • base: the base path specified in options
  • dependencyName: the name of your dependency as passed to the function (resolved if relative)
  • npmDepdendency: true or false depending if the dependency is external (located in opts.moduleDependency)
  • possiblePaths: a list of possible paths where this module could be found

If dependency is relative, do not forget to pass to the function the directory of the module where the dependency was found (relative to base path).


import mresolve from 'mresolve'

let resolver = resolve({
    base: process.cwd(),
    extensions: ['js'],
    moduleDirectory: 'node_modules',
    paths: []

resolver.resolveDependency('../components/dropdown', 'views');

// Will output:
// =>
// {
//     base: <your base path>,
//     dependencyName: components/dropdown,
//     npmDependency: false,
//     possiblePaths: ['components/dropdown.js', 'components/dropdown/index.js']
// }