
Blender addon to create architecture elements. Project is replaced by Remiz-Lab

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Blender addon to create architecture elements. As well as some primitive meshes and decorations. The primary feature is modeling scene using object properties instead of manual mesh modifications.

Installation process

  1. Go to Releases and download zip file with addon.
  2. Open Blender application
  3. Click File menu > Choose User Preferences option
  4. Switch to Add-ons tab
  5. Press Install Add-on from file button
  6. Locate and select downloaded zip file
  7. Press Install Add-on from file button to confirm installation
  8. Check the box next to installed add-on to enable it
  9. To confirm enabling add-on for usage press Save User Settings button You just installed ArchitectureLab add-on

Usage instruction

The addon contains a several features that you can find within Blender interface

  • Creating architecture, decorations and other meshes is available in Add menu within 3D View editor. Navigate to Add > Mesh > ArchLab - here you can access all meshes available to create from add-on
  • After creating ArchLab object you can customise it using ArchLab tool panel. While being on the 3D View editor, open Tool Shelf, the additional tab ArchLab should appear when ArchLab object is selected.
  • Some ArchLab objects contains modifiers, you can access them in properties editor (Modifiers tab) as any other Blender modifier.