How to get Prisma Cloud Compute Mgmt Console behind an ingress in Kubernetes

Following a need from a customer, I did a POC, and you can find here the environment.

Setup the cluster

If you want to test, you will need

  • docker
  • kind
  • kubectl

and the Prisma Cloud tar.gz package (prisma_cloud_compute_edition_*.tar.gz).

Then you will be able to launch:

$ ./

You will then be able to access to Prisma Cloud Compute console from your browser on or

Deploy a defender

First download a manifest created by the console

Go to Prisma Cloud Compute console, eventually set your admin login/password, then eventually set your license.

Then Go to Manage => Defenders => Names, and add SAN for twistlock-console, as we are going the internal Kubernetes service to communicate between defenders and the mgmt console.

Then Go to Manage => Defenders => Deploy => Defenders, choose (options not defined were not modified):

  • Deployment method: Orchestrator
  • Choose the orchestrator type: Kubernetes
  • Choose the name that Defender will use to connect to this console: twistlock-console
  • Specify a cluster name: prismacloud
  • Specify a customer docker socket path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
  • Run Defenders as privileged: off
  • Nodes use Container Runtime Interface (CRI), not Docker: on
  • Nodes run inside containerized environment: on

And now download the YAML manifest.

Tweak it a little bit

Apply the manifest: kubectl apply -f defender.yml. You should now have a working defender.

If you get the error:

$ kubectl logs -n twistlock -l app=twistlock-defender
 ERRO 2022-05-03T13:12:56.335 defender.go:932  Failed to start runc proxy listen unix /var/run/tw.runc.sock: bind: read-only file system

You have to modify the YAML manifest a little bit, add:

        - name: iptables-lock
          mountPath: "/run"

to the volumeMounts, and

      - name: iptables-lock
          path: "/run"

to the volumes, and apply again the manifest: kubectl apply -f defender.yml. You should now have a working defender.