
c++ port of Android embedded SIP server of the brb

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


SIP server websocket transport

Simple all-in-one SIP server UDP, TCP, WS (websocket) transport.

SIP accounts managed by POST Json requests served by embedded HTTP server.

This is a beta.



Building Windows

Open sipws.sln VC solution, change include and library path.




Start as usual (foreground) process with -f option:

./sipws -f

By default, sipws running as deamon (or Windows service). Skip -f option:


Create service in Windows:
sc create "sipws" binPath= \sipws.exe
sc delete "sipws"

Enable SIP transports

  • UDP -u 5060
  • TCP -t 5060
  • WS -p 8080

-u, -t, -p -s port options enables UDP, TCP, WS, WSS transports.

Enable at least one transport.

Enable HTTP server

HTTP server provide account control.

  • -r 8082

Set specific network inteface


By default, sipws listen address (all interfaces).

Enable debug output

  • -vvv debug info
  • -vv more detailed log
  • -v enable logging

In deamon mode, output routes to syslog (*nix) or \sipws.log file. Please DO NOT use logging in production.

Otherwise fatal errors only.

Load options from file

sipws search sipws.cfg in the sipws binary file directory, then in the current directory, last in the /etc or windows directory.

sipws.cfg is a file with command line string. Create sipws.cfg to start daemon (service).

If file sipws.cfg exists, skip reading config with --skipconfig option.

Provision accounts

Create "database" file:


Assign "database" file : -b, --db=

Provision accounts at startup

In addition to -b, there is -d, --data= option loads accounts from the "request" file.

Provision accounts dynamically

When -r, --httpport= option is set, POST Json requests to add or delete SIP accounts, start or stop service, clear accounts. Key must be provided. sipws compare key with valid keys. If key is valid, operation is permitted.

Start, stop, clear


{“q”:””, “domain”:””, “key”:”...”}

= start,stop,clear


{“q”:, “errorcode”:”1”}



{“q”:””, “domain”:””, “key”:”...”}

= list



{“q”:”list”, “errorcode”:”1”} -invalid key


{“q”:”list”, “registry”:[


: { "avail", "proto", "origin", "key", "cn", "description", "id", "domain", "host", "line", "tag", "rinstance", "image", "port", "expire", "registered", "updated" }

Provide user registry


{“q”:””, “domain”:””, “key”:”...”, “data”:[,...], “v”:124}

= put

: {“o”:”+”, “u”:””, “k”:””, “cn”:”common name”, “description”:””, “i”:””}

o: +,- add(edit),delete


{“q”:”put”, “errorcode”:”1”, “v”:123}

v: version number before update (0..)

When -r, --httpport= option is set, GET Json requests registered accounts.

Other options

./sipws -h

Usage sipws
[-fv8h] [-i ] [-r ] [-p ] [-s ] [-u ] [-t ] [-c ] [-k ] [-w ] [-d ] [-b ] [-l ] [--skipconfig] []...

simple websocket SIP service

-i, --interface= host name or IP address. Default all interfaces
-r, --httpport= HTTP register control port number, e.g. 8082
-p, --port= SIP WS port number, e.g. 8080
-s, --tlsport= SIP WSS port number. e.g. 443
-u, --udpport= SIP UDP port number. Disable UDP transport if not specified
-t, --tcpport= SIP TCP port number. Disable TCP transport if not specified
-c, --certificate= certificate file, default server.pem
-k, --pk= private key file, default server.pem
-w, --password= certificate password, e.g. test
-d, --data= initial registry request JSON file
-b, --db= writeable database file name
-f, --foreground Do not start deamon
-v, --verbose severity: -v: error, -vv: warning, -vvv: debug. Default fatal error only.
-l, --locale= e.g. russian_russia.1251, ru_RU.UTF-8
-8, --utf8 locale use UTF-8
--skipconfig Skip reading argruments from sipws.cfg
-h, --help print this help and exit
update registry valid keys (-r)