
Django & Buildout Project Template

Primary LanguagePython

Django & Buildout Project Template

A Django & Project Template to integrate Django, Buildout, Pylint, JSHint, Sphinx etc. Its a work in progress and expected to evolve further. The motivation to do this came from using Maven for Java projects.

Project Setup

  1. git clone this repository.
  2. Run python bootstrap.py
  3. Run bin/buildout
  4. Run bin/fab -l for a list of common supported commands.

Supported Commands

    coverage          Enables Coverage. Used for test targets
    docs_gen          Generates Documents. Picks sources from docs folder.
    lint_js           Reports Pylint Errors & Warnings for Python files
    lint_py           Reports Pylint Errors & Warnings for Python files
    runserver         Runs Django Server on port 8000
    test_all          Runs All Tests in src and tests folders
    test_integration  Runs All Tests in tests/integration package
    test_unit         Runs All Tests in tests/unit package
    uml_gen           Generates Package Dependency Diagrams. Assumes Graphviz.

Note: Whenever running a command always prefix it with bin or else your system wide installation would be used. Note: For running tests along with coverage, use bin/fab coverage test_unit etc.

Faster Builds

Keep the following setting in default buildout config at ~/.buildout/default.cfg. Its a common buildout tip to keep download times low and builds faster.

eggs-directory = <HOME-DIR>/.buildout/eggs
download-cache = <HOME-DIR>/.buildout/dlcache

Project Structure & Customizations

buildout.cfg is the config to install eggs and generate scripts in bin folder.
fabfile.py contains fabric tasks. You can modify it to add your own.
etc/lint.rc contains pylint configuration.
etc/jshint.json contains jshint settings.
tests contains tests organized in unit, integration and ui packages.

Each of the above can be modified and customized as much as you want. If you implement something generally useful, please contribute it back.


Contributions and ideas are welcome. These are some ideas we would like to implement.

  1. test_js target to run javascript tests using a node js framework like mocha etc.
  2. django-pipeline for static assets management.
  3. build for jenkins build and package
  4. incr for linting or testing incremental changes e.g. modified files only.
  5. more ...