
Black magic for Trolls

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Black magic for Trolls


Subtly overrides common jQuery functions. For example:

<h1>Important heading</h1>
    $('h1').text('Updating my important heading');

turns into this...

<h1>Poop Important heading</h1>

And this...


plays a slide whistle.

Supported functions

  • text( myText ): Prepends myText with 'Poop'
  • addClass( myClass ): Adds myClass and also a 'poop' class
  • removeClass( myClass ): Removes myClass and adds a 'poop' class
  • prepend( myStuff ): Prepends with myStuff + poop
  • append(): Appends with Poop + myStuff
  • show(), hide(), toggle(), slideUp(), slideDown(), slideToggle(): Plays a slide whistle noise

Attribution / License exceptions