Background Processing with Node + RabbitMQ


  • All messages are published on to an exchange
  • A queue is connected to an exchange through a binding
  • A binding defines the information how the queue is connected to the exchange (routing rules)
  • A routing rule is used by the exchange to decide whether to forward the message to a queue or not
  • A queue can be bound to many exchanges with different routing rules
  • Exchange types
    • Direct: message forwarded to queue where binding key matches the routing key
    • Fanout: mindless broadcasting
    • Topic
    • Headers
[Publisher] -- publish --> [Exchange] -- routes --> [Queue] <-- consumes -- [Consumer]


Start RabbitMQ and open http://localhost:15672/ (guest / guest).

docker run -d -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:3-management