
Packer-driven image building in UH IaaS

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Image Builder for UH IaaS

imagebuilder is a Command Line Interface for building fully provisioned, ready-to-use images/snapshots in UH IaaS using Packer.

It's basically just a wrapper for Packer doing the necessary steps required to make Packer work with UH IaaS default configurations, and without the need to make or edit templates.

imagebuilder is meant to simplify the process of making and automate the buildling of machine images in UH IaaS using only the command-line. For more advanced image building you should learn how to use Packer.

Pull requests are welcome!



  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/norcams/imagebuilder
  • Install the requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run ./imagebuilder

Note that if you're running RHEL/CentOS there is another tool named packer in the default installation, unrelated to the Packer being used by imagebuilder. Check your user's $PATH to make sure the correct Packer is being executed.


Create a keystone_rc.sh file if you haven't already as described in this document

Source this file: source keystone_rc.sh

An example build command could be:

imagebuilder build -n my_image -s 90be98a5-0883-4a15-9006-2e012f9802d4 -a osl-default-1 -u centos -p my_provision_script.sh -d

where -n is the name of the image, -s is the id of a source image, -a is the availability zone, -u is the SSH user created by cloud-init for your source image of choice (i.e. centos, ubuntu), -p is the path to your provision script and -d downloads the image after it's been built.

imagebuilder creates a temporary security group and keypair named "imagebuilder-" which will be deleted after completion. Note that you for now will have to delete these manually if the command is not allowed to finish.

Run imagebuilder <command> -h for a complete list of options.


You can use imagebuilder to download a cloud-ready image from a URL and upload it to Glance (Openstack's image service).

An example bootstrap command could be:

imagebuilder bootstrap -n 'IMAGEBUILDER CentOS 7' -a bgo-default-1 -u http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 -c http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/sha256sum.txt -t sha256 -r 768 -d 8 -f qcow2

where -n is the name of the image as it will appear in Glance, -a is the availability zone, -u is the url of the image, -c is the url of the checksum file, -t is the checksum digest, -r is the minimum amount of ram required by the image, -d is the minimum amount of disk space required by the image and -f is the disk format.

If successful, imagebuilder will return the id of the newly created image. You can use this output in a build command, for example:

imagebuilder bootstrap <...> | xargs -I % imagebuilder build -s % <...>


imagebuilder needs to know where to look for a Packer template and where to store downloaded files (if using the -d option with the build command). You may either store these paths in a config file, which should be located in current/working directory, $HOME/.imagebuilder/config or /etc/imagebuilder/config, or in environmental variables IB_TEMPLATE_DIR and IB_DOWNLOAD_DIR.

Your config file could like this:

template_dir = /home/user/.imagebuilder
download_dir = /tmp/images

Provision scripts

A provision script is (when using imagebuilder) simply a shell script that will be executed on the virtual machine Packer builds an image from. In it's simplest form it could be a list of commands but anything a shell can interpret will work. Note that if your script has bash-specific commands in it, then put #!/bin/bash at the top of your script.

It's recommended that you test run your provision script in a virtual machine before using it with imagebuilder (or Packer) as the output from the provision script at runtime is rather limited.

See this document for more information about provision scripts.

Combining Openstack CLI with imagebuilder

Obtaining a source image ID

In order to build from a source image you'll need to obtain the image ID. You'll find it in the Horizon GUI by clicking Images -> Public -> <image_name> and copy-pasting "ID", but there is a more convenient way if you have the Openstack CLI tool installed:

openstack image list --public

will give you a table of available public images with their respective ID. In combination with a command-line JSON-parser like jq you could get the ID of an image name like this

openstack image list --public -f json | jq '.[] | select(.Name=="GOLD CentOS 7") | .ID'

which could be useful in automated builds.

Listing availability zones

When using Packer with UH-IaaS setting the availability zone is also required. openstack availability zone list lists availability zones for your region.