Link to original repository

The objective is to implement a rest-service which is able to:

  • create new user with contact data
  • return user by id
  • return user by name
  • add additional mail/phone data
  • update existing mail/phone data
  • delete user

Build and run

Clone project into you workspace:

git clone

Run terminal, change to root directory of project and enter:

gradlew bootRun --args=''

Build and run with docker

Clone project and enter:

docker build . -t my-app

To run image

docker run -p 8080:8080 my-app

API Documentation

After starting application you can check out a documentation here:



  • you provide a straight forward documentation how to build and run the service
  • submitted data is stored in a database (free choice which one)


  • you let your service run within a container based environment (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • you provide a documentation of your services API endpoints
  • your service is covered with tests