
bssuite with microservices architecture

Primary LanguageJava

BSSuite with microservices architecture

Business Solution Suite


a cloud ERP system based on microservice architecture and docker.

It allows you to run:

  • The registry
  • An API Gateway
  • Several microservices (customerService, supplierService, etc.) based on different databases.
  • The ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for log centralization
  • (future) Graphite/Grafana for metrics centralization

All working out of the box !

It provides:

  • Scripts to setup the apps
  • .yo-rc.json files in customerService, supplierService, invoiceService, productService directory that will be used to generate apps
  • A central-server-config/ directory that can be used to edit the registry's config server configuration but only in dev profile (a git repository is used in prod profile)

It depends on generator-jhipster-docker-compose to generate a global docker-compose file.

How to test

Setup and build

First, generate all apps from their .yo-rc.json.


Then, generate samples entities from the entities.jh JDL file in each app's directory


Then, generate entities for front end gateway. This step needs to be done manually. "cd gateway" & generate entities one by one (check the command in the below script).


Finally, build apps and generate docker images for them. mvn package docker:build -DskipTests=true


This script runs mvn package docker:build -DskipTests=true for all apps, the app/src/main/docker/Dockerfile is used by maven-docker plugin to build the docker image.

Generate a Docker-compose file:

mkdir docker-compose
cd docker-compose

yo jhipster:docker-compose

And answer the questions.

To run all apps:

docker-compose up

To shut down all apps:

docker-compose down

Run everything

Note: At any point in the process you can use docker-compose logs appname to view its logs.

Start the JHipster Eegistry (service discovery and configuration server)

  • docker-compose up -d jhipster-registry: launch the registry
  • Open http://localhost:8761/ to view the Eureka console (new microservices instances will automatically register themselves and show up here)
  • Open http://localhost:8761/config/application-dev.yml to have a look at the properties that are transfered to all apps in the dev profile. You can edit them in the /central-server-config directory.

ELK (log centralization)

  • docker-compose up -d elk-elasticsearch elk-logstash elk-kibana
  • Open Kibana: http://localhost:5601, all logs will show up here.

Gateway and microservices

Start the Gateway with:

  • docker-compose up -d gateway

It should connect with the registry and show up in the Eureka console.

  • Open the gateway's admin panel: http://localhost:8080/#/gateway (log in with admin/admin)

Also logs should have started to show up in Kibana.

Start customerService with:

  • docker-compose up -d customerService

Start the other apps:

  • docker-compose up -d supplierService invoiceService

Scale your apps

You can scale an app by creating multiple instances of it (doesn't work on the gateway or other apps that have their ports binded to localhost):

  • docker-compose scale customerService=2
  • docker-compose scale supplierService=3

Then wait for them to show up at http://localhost:8761/ and http://localhost:8080/#/gateway.

Stop an app

  • docker-compose stop appname

Shutdown and clean up

  • Simply run docker-compose down The following commands may prove useful:
  • docker stop $(docker ps -a -q): Stop all running containers
  • Then docker rm $(docker ps -a -q): Remove all containers

Clean everything

Run cleanup script


Deploy to Heroku

  • Download Heroku CLI & set up account

  • Deploy registry: https://dashboard.heroku.com/new?&template=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fjhipster%2Fjhipster-registry (registry url is to be used when deploying gateways and services in next steps)

  • Deploy gateway and services one by one:

    cd gateway

    yo jhipster:heroku (enter registry url in the form of https://[appname].herokuapp.com)

    heroku config:set JHIPSTER_REGISTRY_URL="https://admin:[password]@[appname].herokuapp.com" (replace with registry password & registry app name

    Do the same for all the services, i.e.

    cd customerService

    yo jhipster:heroku

    heroku config:set JHIPSTER_REGISTRY_URL="https://admin:[password]@[appname].herokuapp.com"

    for heroku clould, if the application is not started within 90s, db might be lock, to unlock, run:

    heroku pg:psql -c "update databasechangeloglock set l ocked=false;" --app bss-customer-svc

    or re-do:

    heroku config:set JHIPSTER_REGISTRY_URL="https://admin:[password]@[appname].herokuapp.com"

    if doesn't work, redeploy the application manually from command line:

    yo jhipster:heroku


  • git error msg in service/gateway projects .git folder will be created when running yo jhipster:heroku or other generator inside services/gateways, need to remove .git folder under services/gateways.


  • Switch between dev and prod with an environment variable different compose files.
  • Boot up the database by extending src/main/docker/prod.yml
  • (Bonus) Use log_driver to forward database logs to ELK through syslog