
A directive to render Markdown in lit html templates.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


About this Package

This package is an extension of Lit's Directives to add markdown rendering functionality.


This package uses Marked and sanitize-html to provide a light-weight and safe renderer in the browser.

Getting Started

You can install this packaged into any existing Lit project.

npm install lit-markdown


yarn add lit-markdown

Using the directive is easy.

import { LitElement, html, PropertyValueMap } from "lit";
import { customElement, query, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { resolveMarkdown } from "lit-markdown";

export class MyElement extends LitElement {
  private textarea!: HTMLTextAreaElement;
  private raw = "";

  firstUpdated(_changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<unknown> | Map<PropertyKey, unknown>) {
    this.textarea.addEventListener("input", this.handleTextareaInput);

  private handleTextareaInput: EventListener = () => {
    const { value } = this.textarea;
    if (!value) return;
    this.raw = value.trim();

  render() {
    return html`<label for="markdown">Input</label><textarea name="markdown" id="markdown"></textarea>
      <article>${resolveMarkdown(this.raw, { includeImages: true, includeCodeBlockClassNames: true })}</article>`;


Feel free to open issues and create pull requests. If you are interested in adding to this package please contact me.


This package is distributed under the MIT license.