- 5
`bun:test` `ReferenceError`
#576 opened by jonator - 2
how to caculate the rate between BANDWIDTH Resource Amount and Staked Asset Amount
#581 opened by godlovericea - 2
- 1
#578 opened by w33d2023 - 1
#580 opened by godlovericea - 3
How to get amount from a transaction ?
#558 opened by jdelobel - 1
How to invoke TronLink to sign a transaction that has already been signed by someone else and broadcast it to the blockchain?
#579 opened by w33d2023 - 1
Invalid origin address provided
#567 opened by monkeychoi - 2
^ TypeError: TronWeb.createAccount is not a function
#569 opened by Osub - 0
#573 opened by NaNOteh - 0
Way to confirm
#574 opened by NaNOteh - 0
- 1
Tronweb is not a constructor
#565 opened by Sam15766 - 1
not able to instantiate tronWeb
#562 opened by kirat79 - 1
Invalid contract address provided
#559 opened by daochild - 1
- 4
Tronweb version 5.3.2 doesn't ship with types
#548 opened by slyofzero - 1
Many require cycles in V6
#547 opened by alienzhangyw - 3
Using API
#544 opened by zachariahevans174 - 2
tsc error 'AxiosHeaders' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here
#543 opened by mattiaferrari02 - 4
TronWeb Is not a constructor
#542 opened by mayorityz - 11
- 2
Non-base58 character when i try signing a transaction
#537 opened by owanemi - 1
Invalid private key provided
#539 opened by wmahmood1984 - 1
Tronweb is not getting default address or not opening for new address connection
#570 opened by thinkguru - 3
SendTrx reports an error when used
#568 opened by xuetong6 - 4
Enable empty components in tuples for 6.0.0
#566 opened by Qvaz - 4
Issue in exection order of transactions
#563 opened by Aman9723 - 1
Error fetching balance: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tronWeb')
#564 opened by 0xcodeTest - 5
TypeError: overflow (argument="value", value=349464387838299168674417, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=6.13.2)
#557 opened by shestakov2103 - 2
TronWeb does not have a method called getContract
#554 opened by topwood - 3
Clarification on Event_index in Tronweb
#555 opened by AmardeepSambaru - 9
Module "crypto" has been externalized for browser compatibility: Vite + React
#531 opened by theprashantparihar - 3
- 1
Sample Swap Code
#552 opened by catstersol - 1
The correct address is judged as an invalid address through TronWeb.isAdderss
#549 opened by weatherstar - 6
Contract Address Predicting
#551 opened by whynotmarc - 3
TypeError: (0 , pt.createHash) is not a function
#546 opened by MiracleWeb3 - 2
Listening to events in v6
#541 opened by 0xmarvin42 - 2
TypeError: TronWeb is not a constructor
#524 opened by masumetc - 0
sinceTimestamp of getEventResult, minTimestamp of getEventByContractAddress don't work
#545 opened by kimhieu153255 - 6
Why types are not exported?!
#520 opened by sharifzadesina - 1
#538 opened by rtomas - 2
Allow raw axios headers
#521 opened by sharifzadesina - 2
Invalid type for block.transactions
#522 opened by sharifzadesina - 1
- 0
How to get contract address via address?
#532 opened by DengSihan - 2
- 0
- 0
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module
#523 opened by masumetc