This app allows users to search for events in any city, with the following search criteria: city, category, and date range. The user not only has the ability to search for events, but may also create an account, save events to his/her own account, and view those saved events after logging in.
- index.html
- index.php
- composer.json
- dashboard.html
- style.css
- dashboard.css
- dash-main-template.css
- spinner.css
- Note: The program includes Bootstrap's core CSS code, delivered from Bootstrap's CDN
- app.js
- index-page.js
- backstretch_plugin.min.js
- Note: The program includes Bootstrap's core js code, delivered from Bootstrap's CDN
- various program images
moment.js plugin, for formatting of dates & times
backstretch.js plugin, for fully responsive container background images
jQuery UI plugin, for datepicker
slidereveal js plugin, for off-canvas slider containing saved user favorites
User account creation and login functionality, including facebook & google login authorization
Users may save data from the app, and view their saved events after logging in
User account data and user favorites are stored in a Firebase database
Event card sliders for visual aesthetics and app interactivity, which reveal event favorite add/edit actions
Dashboard-style layout, for ease of navigation and visual appeal
Program spinner activation, to give processing feedback to user
FadeIn/FadeOut message feedback for program inputs
Search message feedback, displaying most recent topic, location and date range searched
Form validation for inputs
Modals were utilized for program alerts, login and search forms
Session variable usage via localStorage global vars
Form validation
All main program js functionality was placed inside of js objects.
Bootstrap was used for this project.