This assignment is designed to familiarize students with AJAX and manipulation of page content. Users select a topic button on the left, which generates 12 gif images in the main page content area. Clicking on the gif will animate it, or pause it, based on its state.
- index.html
- index.php
- composer.json
- style.css
- dashboard.css
- Note: The program includes Bootstrap's core CSS code, delivered from Bootstrap's CDN
- gif.js
- Note: The program includes Bootstrap's core js code, delivered from Bootstrap's CDN
All program js functionality was placed inside of js objects.
Bootstrap was used for this project.
The project layout is in a dashboard-style format, with the topic buttons on the left and the gif content on the right.
Users may add new topic buttons dynamically by using the top-right input area, "Create A Button" via "Enter" or "click" action. This action also generates gif content. Users are not allowed to enter a topic that already exists.
The program features local (session) storage for topic buttons. Users may clear this data by selecting the "Clear Data" button.
The site is fully responsive. Images span 4 for large screens, 3 for medium screens and 2 for small screens.
A modal is used for all user messages instead of alert boxes.
The main page content header changes after each topic selection, updating the heading with the current topic being browsed.