A recipe finder app using React and Redux


  • Complete pagination

  • Modal overflow scroll not working as desired

  • Limit results to 5 per instructions

  • A bit of responsiveness cleanup for mobile etc

  • Add main hero image icon per mockup

  • Heart Icon feedback on click (set active status etc)

  • Would like to add a loading spinner for search etc

  • Would prefer more React cleanup time (propTypes etc...)

  • Note: No CSS framework was used; custom Flexbox and CSS Grid were used for grid etc

Note: Router history.push() route setup was causing the modal to fire if reached by direct link. I commented it out, and the main Router structure needs revisiting in terms of the subroute setup

  • You can still test the direct url modal recipe load functionality with this link: https://vast-dusk-55857.herokuapp.com/52966
  • But if you leave the id in the route, you'll keep getting the modal on state changes (so take it out after you test it)