
(a recomposable medium for distributed social computing) || (semantic self-describing protocol stacks)

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Ceptr provides a new computing stack for semantic self-describing data, and protocols.


There are currently no dependencies, so just clone this repo.

Then cd into the root directory of the repo and type:

make ceptr

This will build a ceptr node running the command-line receptor, which is currently very primitive, with just one command "time". more coming soon!

For some guidance on getting the code-base to compile on Windows using Eclipse see: https://github.com/zippy/ceptr/blob/master/ceptr-eclipse-csharp-interface.txt (Note: this hasn't been tested recently...)



Also, see "Testing" below.


You can read the code and API documentation here: http://zippy.github.io/ceptr/

Or watch a brief overview webinar/video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Db-8lD1lNA


For a broad overview of the project see [the Ceptr Revelation] (http://ceptr.org/revelation/)




To compile and run all the tests simply cd into the root directory and type:

make specs

This runs all of the tests, which live in the specs sub-directory.

The tests also produce a bunch semantic trees dumped out to json for visualization in a testing web-app. To be able to see these, you need to place the contents of the "web" sub-directory into a web server somewhere, and then just point your browser to that directory. Please note that this isn't a comprehensive testing environment, just a space we've used for creating visuals for presentation purposes.


Join the dev chat at https://gitter.im/zippy/ceptr


issue tracking


Contributor Guidelines

  • We use test driven development. Adding a new function or feature, should mean you've added a new test in the spec/ directory. Our [testing framework] (https://github.com/zippy/ceptr/blob/master/spec/test_framework.h) provides a bunch of C macros that test an expectation with a result, and nicely print broken tests when they fail. Check out any file in the spec directory to see how it's done.
  • We use [Doxygen] (http:/doxygen.org) to generate our API documentation. Contributors are asked to use doxygen commenting blocks so that we can automatically generate documentation. Additionally we have the practice of using the @snippet command to include portions of our specs as examples in the API. We try to make our test cases meaningful so they can be so used and make good examples.
  • Elements of Style: no tabs indentation (4 spaces). Note: if you are using emacs with prelude it specifically sets indent-tabs-mode to 't' in modules/prelude-c.el for c-mode so you have to fix that there.


Copyright (C) 2013-2015, The MetaCurrency Project (Eric Harris-Braun, Arthur Brock, et. al.)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license provided in the LICENSE file (GPLv3).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
