
GRIN scripts and tools

Primary LanguageHTML

Grin Basics

Main Website - https://grin.mw/
Forum - https://forum.grin.mw/
Github - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin
Grin Community Council site: - https://grincc.mw/
Grin Community Council Github - https://github.com/grincc/
Grin Hub, links, exchanges, tools, everything - https://github.com/grincc/hub
BitcoinTalk Ann - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5090427.0
Wallet List - https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Community-projects#wallets
GRIM GUI wallet - https://getgrin.github.io/
Grin 'original' wallet user guide - https://github.com/mimblewimble/docs/wiki/Wallet-User-Guide
Grin Explorer: - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-explorer
Grincoin Explorer: - https://grincoin.org/ [github]
Grin block explorer2 -
Grin Explorer Token view - https://grin.tokenview.com/en
Grin scan money - https://scan.grin.money/chart/block
Documentation page - https://docs.grin.mw/

List of Exchanges and Miner distributors

Exchanges & mining pools - https://github.com/grincc/hub/blob/main/mining-exchanges.md
How to mine with G1 Mini:- https://forum.grin.mw/t/how-to-mine-grin-with-g1-mini-steps/9796


Introduction to Grin - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/blob/master/doc/intro.md
Cuck(at)oo Cycle - https://github.com/tromp/cuckoo
What is Grin - https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/mimblewimble.html
Why Grin - https://gist.github.com/phyro/ec37d8bfedd36102b0ea5824580d06e4
Interactive transactions - https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/interactive_txs.html
Grin's emission schedule - https://phyro.github.io/what-is-grin/grin_emission.html

Shops, Market, Pay with grin

Grin++ shop - https://shop.grinplusplus.com/
Grinily, apparel, mucks, Grin goodies pay - with ツ - https://grinily.com/
Grinbux, web traffic exchange, get free ツ by viewing ads - https://grinbux.com/
OnlyGrins, win ツ lottery - https://onlygrins.com/

More Social Media channels

KeyBase - Goverance and technical discussions: - https://keybase.io/team/grincoin
Grin Telegram community - https://t.me/grinprivacy
Grin++ Telegram group - https://t.me/GrinPP Grin ++ questions? Ask here.
GRIM WALLET Telegram group - https://t.me/grim_app
Grin Ironbelly Telegram group -https://t.me/ironbelly - IronBelly questions? Ask here.
Grinventions Telegram channel: - https://t.me/grinventions Building MimbleWimble Python implementation
MW Fediverere: - https://mw.social/timeline/local
Grin Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/GRIN/
Grin Reddit (grincoin): - https://www.reddit.com/r/grincoin/
Grin Discord community - https://discord.gg/5p4vCQY9km
Grin Community Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdTLEB6xPSuJqye6NXbs1HQ/videos Cekickafa's youtube channel for Grin info, tutorials and more

Grin tools and scripts repositories

GrinVention - https://github.com/grinventions/ - Python implementation for mimblewimble under construction
AwesomeGrin - https://github.com/quentinlesceller/awesome-grin - A curated list of Grin services, softwares and tools. Testnet faucet!
Grin-recovery https://github.com/Anynomouss/grin_recovery - A Python based Grin wallet recovery script, capable of testing 40.000 passwords/second.
Grin Mail - https://github.com/aixinrock/grinmail/ - Automatically handle transaction slates comming and going via email
ob/main/README-en.md - Automatically send and receive transactions via email (last commit 05-07-2021).
Grin Bot = https://github.com/alexbyrnes/grinbot - Grin bot written in Rust for Telegram en Keybase, well documented (last commit Jan 12, 2020)
Testnet exchange - https://github.com/pkariz/grin-wallet/tree/fix/invoice-issues - Template solution for exchanges
GrinGots wizarding bank - https://github.com/mcdallas/gringotts & https://github.com/mcdallas/gringotts-rust (last commits in 2019), Gringotts is a CLI app that you can use to send and receive grins instantly using one of the available back-ends for communication.
Grin vanity address generator - https://github.com/MakisChristou/grin-vanity - Slatepack vanity address generator written in Rust
Grin payment calculation, node mapping & more - https://github.com/grincc/hub/tree/main/scripts

Grin Developers

Your journey down the rabbit hole starts here!
Step 1, get on Keybase https://keybase.io/team/grincoin, join general and dev channel
Grin main github page - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin
Help debug and improve node and wallet - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/blob/master/doc/build.md
Python wrappers for the Grin node and wallet API - https://github.com/grinfans/grinmw.py
Grin++ technical design, wiki and API documentation - https://github.com/GrinPlusPlus/GrinPlusPlus/wiki/Technical-Design
Grinnode.live - https://grinnode.live/ high-available GRIN-API & Sync-Service (very convenient if you are a developer).
Grin documentation - https://docs.grin.mw/ - Learn about the origin of Grin, Mimble Wimble, Pederson commitments, Eliptic Curve cryptography as well as practical tutorials on how to install and use the grin node software and grin-wallet.
Ask if you need something - Is there anything else you need as aspiring Grin developer or you just have question? Please ask, so we can tailor the Developer content to your needs. Just reach-out on KeyBase.

Other link outs

Grinflation: - https://grinflation.com/ A great website that shows all the economics around Grins's Fair 1 ツ per second supply rate, its inflation, total supply, market cap and price now and in times to come.
A Different approach to Grin's inflation supply - https://madenuzmani.medium.com/a-different-approach-to-grins-inflation-and-supply-355266fc96be
Grin art by grinsingularity - https://github.com/grinsingularity/GrinArt
Some Grin art by Grincy - https://github.com/TomMualler/Grinchy-Grin
Grin link to old mailing list - https://lists.launchpad.net/mimblewimble/
Grin Papyrus: - https://github.com/Grinnode-live/GRIN-papyrus Collection of important documents and links related to the development of GRIN. Find back everything, the early steps towards Grin in 2016, launch in 2019 and everything that happened after.
CryptoProfG A series of articles shedding light on how grin works.

Interview with Ignotus Peverell - link to web-archive 1 - link to web-archive 2
What is Grin? - https://github.com/phyro/what-is-grin - Explenation on emission, transaction aggretation and mimble wimble with some nice visuals usefull for presentations, by Phyro.
Grin official newsletter https://grinnews.substack.com/ Sign up or click on 'Read first' to read old Grin newsletters.
Grin Post Newsletter - https://grinpost.substack.com/ - Frequent, casual Grin updates.
Grin Post Medium - https://grinpost.medium.com/ Medium articles about Grin.

External articles

Articles on Grin and Mimble Wimble: Just a few of the many, feel free to add more.

More & Obsolete

Twitter: https://twitter.com/grinmw (Suspended by Twitter)
Gitter - https://gitter.im/grin_community/Lobby
Blockchain explorer - https://grinscan.net/
Slatepack market place: - https://slatepacks.com/ - Buy and sell with Grin, have fun.
Linux miner - https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin-miner
Windows miner - https://github.com/mozkomor/GrinGoldMiner
Mining pool - http://mwgrinpool.com/
Grin 'wallet713' wallet user guide - https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md
GrinGots wizarding bank - https://github.com/mcdallas/gringotts - (last commits in 2019), Gringotts is a CLI app that you can use to send and receive grins instantly using one of the available backends for communication.
How to mine Grin with GGM - https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/how-to-mine-grin?locale=en
Installing and using the core wallet - https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/how-to-use-grin-wallet-to-send-receive-grin-coins?locale=en (HTTP is now deprecated)
Installing and Using wallet713 - https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/how-to-use-grin-wallet713-to-send-and-receive-grin-coin-step-by-step-guide?locale=en (wallet713 is no longer supported)
Grinbox, vault713 - https://github.com/vault713/grinbox - Once upon a time there was easy to use Grinbox, but ya.. it was kind of less private
Mining Grin with Bminer - https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/how-to-mine-grin-coin-with-bminer-step-by-step-guide?locale=en (Useful resource but some info are outdated)
Grincoin FAQ by CoinGecko - https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/grin-frequently-asked-questions?locale=en (Useful resource but some info are outdated)
Wallet recommendations for newcomers; suggestions welcomed - https://walletlist.keybase.pub/ (Useful resource but some info are outdated)
Niffler wallet - https://github.com/grinfans/Niffler (can still be used with older https version of grin)
Iron Belly wallet - https://github.com/i1skn/ironbelly - Not obsolete, iOS Android, lightweight mobile wallet, React-Native for the UI and official Grin source code written in Rust
Grin Floonet faucet from 2018 - https://github.com/visvirial/grin-faucet