
uvm AXI BFM(bus functional model)

Primary LanguageVerilog

////                                                             ////
////  Author: Sean Chen                                          ////
////          funningboy@gmail.com                               ////
////                                                             ////
////                                                             ////
////                                                             ////
//// Copyright (C) 2013                                          ////
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AXI BFM standard protocol checker
      read/write phase check
      normal protocol check (valid/ready)
      id tag mapping check (addr/data/resp) has the same id
      transfer read/write check, (only for slave side) like bist check
      TLM analysis port, user can use it to hook their third part golden design. like SystemC TLM 2.0 port or DPI interface ...,
      user info
      protect ...
      atomic check

    ./dpi         : SystemVerilog DPI interface
    ./examples    : example
    ./pli         : Verilig PLI interface
    ./v           : Design under test (DUT)
    ./sv          : SystemVerilog UVM class
    ./log         : simulation results
    ./rpt         : simulation rpt

How to run the example (1 virtual master to 1 DUT slave)

1. set up your test env
  1.1 prepare your DUT and link it to our test env,
      for example we use 1 Virtual Master to 1 DUT slave

      check ./v/axi_slave.v                                   # dut slave
      check ./example/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/dut_dummy.v # link dut to test env
      check ./example/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/demo_top.sv # top module contains DUT and Tester

  1.2 Memory map table, how many Masters/Slaves, Master/Slave connection ....

      check ./examples/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/demo_conf.sv

  1.3 define your test suites
      in this example, we use 1 read after 1 write to check the memory can read/write supported

      check ./examples/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/demo_axi_master_seq_lib.sv
      check ./examples/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/demo_lib.sv
      check ./examples/virtual_master_to_dut_slave/demo_tb.sv

2. how to run it
  tools requirement
    irun > Version 10
    python > Version 2.7
  python ./run.py