
Ham & Eggs Tavern - 433 W. 8th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014

Primary LanguageRuby

Ham and Eggs

Build Status

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:trotttrotttrott/ham_and_eggs.git
  1. Install bundle
bundle install
  1. Create and update .env
cp .env.sample .env
  1. Create and update database.yml
cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml
  1. Create databases (assuming Postgres is installed and running)
rake db:create:all
  1. Start server
foreman start
  1. Go to

Running tests




  1. Add the heroku remotes
git remote add heroku_staging git@heroku.com:hamandeggs-staging.git
git remote add heroku_prod git@heroku.com:hamandeggs.git
  1. Push to the heroku remotes
git push heroku_staging master
git push heroku_prod master


Database Backups

Heroku PGBackups

List backups

heroku pg:backups

Create backup

heroku pg:backups capture

Download the latest backup

curl -o hamandeggs.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url`

Load dump file into your local Postgres database (update or remove -U myuser)

pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d ham_and_eggs_development hamandeggs.dump

Rails Console

heroku run rails console