
EPiServer plugin that returns pages as JSON

Primary LanguageC#

#EPi-JSON ###A simple EPiServer plugin for returning pages as JSON

This project first started out as a quick hack based on Allan's previous work at http://labs.episerver.com/en/Blogs/Allan/Dates/2009/3/Output-PageData-as-JSON/. The hack was used to fill a requirement gap in a customer's intranet, where we needed a quick and easy way to get EPiServer page instances as JSON.

The hack has since then evolved into this easy to use, yet fully customizable plugin.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that although used in production environments, I do not consider this project as production ready. The code does however work, and if you manage to find a scenario where it doesn't, please be kind enough to raise an issue or let me know.

1. Features

  • Proper, good looking JSON. No more __________d wrapping and ugly date objects.
  • Low learning curve, just reference assembly and go
  • Blazing fast. Really. JSON results are cached with dependencies using EPiServer's CacheManager.
  • Fully extensible

2. Installation

  1. Get assembly here (0.7 64bit EPiServer 6 R2) or Clone/zipball this repo & Build with EPiServer 6 R2
  2. Drop assembly into your project

3. Usage

EPi-JSON comes bundled with 3 basic commands, and capability to serialize any of the default EPiServer types into proper, good looking, sexy JSON.

To get a page as JSON, simply append &json=current to the querystring of the page's URL

The following commands are available out of the box:

  1. current - get the current page.
  2. children - get the current page's children.
  3. childrenids - get only the id's of the current pages children.

4. Customization

EPi-JSON is extensible in every single way.

Have a custom property you need to serialize? Tired of .NETs ugly JSON? Use a custom property mapper!

Want to declare your own command that only serializes certain properties of pages? No problem good Sir, Use a custom command!

3.1 Property mapper

[TypeMap(PropertyType = typeof(PropertyDate))]
public class PropertyDateMap : ITypeMapTemplate
    public string Map(PageData pageData, PropertyData propertyData)
        var propertyDate = propertyData as PropertyDate;
        if (propertyDate != null)
            var d = propertyDate.Date;
            return d != default(DateTime) ? UnixTicks(d).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : (-1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        return String.Empty;

    public static double UnixTicks(DateTime dt)
        var d1 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
        var d2 = dt.ToUniversalTime();
        var ts = new TimeSpan(d2.Ticks - d1.Ticks);
        return ts.TotalMilliseconds;

3.2 Commands

[Command(CommandName = "children")]
public class ChildPagesCommand : ICommandTemplate
    public IEnumerable<PageData> ExecuteCommand(PageBase currentPage)
        var fa = new FilterAccess(EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel.Read);
        var pdc = currentPage.GetChildren(currentPage.CurrentPageLink);


        return pdc;

    public virtual string[] GetPropertyFilter()
        return default(string[]);
