
A metrics gathering app built using AspectJ. The project can be pulled in as an external dependency to gather request and response metrics of any spring-boot based web-app.

Primary LanguageJava

MetricsAgent Build Status

This project shows an example of a metric gathering extension for a web application based on these requirements. The “extension” is loosely coupled with the app to gathers metrics on requests and responses handled by the web application.

In the code you'll see the following two projects:

meme-app, a sample web application that serves memes.

metrics-collection-agent, an aspectJ based project that is an external dependency to the meme-app. The agent collects metrics on the web application's request and response by weaving aspects during compile time.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.




These instructions applies for *nix based systems.

git clone git@github.com:trouseredApe/metrics-agent.git - to get the source code for both projects


cd metrics-agent/metrics-collection-agent
mvn install


Import and build `meme-app` as a maven project in IntellJ
Run `Application.java` class

If everything worked correctly you should see the web-app running at localhost:8080. Click the More link on the page to load a few memes and access the request and response metrics at localhost:8080/metrics page

The in-memory database can be accessed at localhost:8080/h2-console. Make sure to use jdbc:h2:mem:testdb as datasource url.

Running the tests

You can run the unit tests inside your ide or run mvn test from the project's root folder

Built With
