I will try my best to create an economic simulator here. Inspiration from this blogpost!
Currently working on rewriting the project in Java.
- A world with a marketplace populated by agents
- Prices dynamically shift based on supply and demand
- Agents able to respond to price shifts accordingly
- Try to switch to more profitable roles
- Each agent has a job, specializing in producing certain goods
- Agents buy goods if they can't produce them
- Name generator randomly makes dank names
- Text-based interaction with world
- Agent desires should dynamically change
- Agent behavior should depend on wealth level
- Promotion/demotion between wealth
- Certain roles should be restricted to certain wealth levels
- Promotion/demotion between wealth
- The world should have multiple marketplaces
- Agents travel between them to act as merchants
- Marketplaces should have coordinates
- Costs time and/or resources to move between them
- Marketplaces laid out on a graph???
- Implement dynamic, effective demand elasticity
- Let user input things more efficiently
- Add ways to better observe world
- Ways to look at wealth distribution
- Allow money supply to dynamically grow and shrink
- Add banking?
- Rewrite the entire thing in another language
- Should be more strongly typed than Python
special thanks to danflapjax, who showed me the wonders of .gitignore >_<