Codespaces dbt Starter

No install needed, just a GitHub account (and a few spare Codespaces minutes you get for free anyways).

Let's get started!

Open codespaces (if it isn't already open)

Easiest way to get started is to click this link to start a codespace off this repository.

OR: Click "Open on Codespaces", to launch this project into a ready to use web VS-Code version with everything preloaded.

Make sure to open up the inside Codespaces as well.

Notes on codespaces:

- If you at any point get an error "The user denied permission to use Service Worker", then you need to enable third-party cookies. It's a codespaces related problem.

- In our experience, codespaces work best in Chrome or Firefox, not so well in Safari.

- Files in codespaces autosave! No need to save anything.

Codespaces Documentation TO-DO: Support the addition of secrets to be injected as env vars into the environment docs