
Primary LanguageC


RTv1 is simple ray tracing program, done as part of School21 course.


Run make in the root of the repository for build a RTv1 file.

git clone https://github.com/palmaoff/RTv1.git
cd RTv1

For running RTv1 on Ubuntu, firstly install SDL2:

make install


./RTv1 [filename]

As parameter you put a file with scene config file, examples you can find in scene folder.


As basic ray tracing program you can add in your scene 4 basic figures with some options of light management


  • Sphere
  • Plane
  • Cylinder
  • Cone

And options you can change:



  • W A S D - <Move camera Up/Left/Down/Right>
  • Arrows Up/Down/Left/Right - <Turn camera Up/Down/Left/Right>
  • Top row +/- - <Zoom in/Zoom out>
  • R - <Redraw scene>
  • Esc - <Exit>

Syntax requirements for scene

  • !NO TABULATION between words (separated by spaces) - ONLY SPACES
  • Add tags for "scene" (camera & lights) and "objects" (figures)
  • Tag "scene" is the first, "objects" is second
  • Add CURLY brackets for all text objects (e.g. camera, light, sphere)
  • CURLY brackets "scene" and "camera": "{" & "};"
  • CURLY brackets other: "{" & "}"
  • Add USUAL brackets + spaces for all object's configurations
  • Positive values for all objects configurations except pos and dir
  • New line "\n" after curly brackets, tags and config
  • For example, use prepared scenes

Text objects description

  • scene
    camera !(only one)
    pos (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - camera position
    dir (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - camera direction
    type ( string ) - type of light (Directional, Point, Ambient)
    pos (except Ambient)(vec_int_3) ( x x x) - light position")
    intensity (positive float) ( x.x ) - light intensity
    dir (! only for Directional)(vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - light direction
  • objects
    all objects
    specular(int)(optional) ( x ) - reflection (if not specified - 0)
    pos (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - sphere position
    color_rgb (vec_hex_3) ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 )- color of sphere
    size (int) ( x ) - size of sphere
    pos (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - cone position
    dir (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - cone direction
    color_rgb (vec_hex_3) ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) - color of cone
    angle (float) ( x.x ) - angle of cone
    pos (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - plane position
    dir (vec_int_3)( x x x ) - plane direction
    color_rgb (vec_hex_3) ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) - color of plane
    pos (vec_int_3) ( x x x ) - cylinder position
    dir (vec_int_3)( x x x ) - cylinder direction
    color_rgb (vec_hex_3) ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) - color of cylinder
    size (int)( x ) - size of cylinder