
Tools for identifying introgressed archaic sequence.

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for identifying introgressed archaic sequence. These programs and scripts were used in Vernot et al, Science, 2016. They are somewhat hacked together - please let me know if something doesn't work.


General pipeline (details below):

  1. Calculate S* and archaic match p-values in 50kb windows.
    • This is usually run once for Denisovan and once for Neandertal. Unfortunately, the code can handle only one archaic genome at a time.
  2. Assign S* thresholds based on simulated data
  3. Compute posterior probabilities for each putative introgressed haplotype, and categorize into null, Neandertal and Denisovan haplotypes.

S* and Archaic match p-values

I use two custom file formats:

  • .bbg - binary bed file
  • .bsg - binary sequence file [essentially binary fasta]

These are my ancient attempts at having constant-time lookup to get a) if a particular site is masked or not, and b) the reference / ancestral / etc base at a given position. It would probably be better to have just used tabix. These files can be generated with:

python bin/myBedTools3.py merge -b yourbedfile.bed -obbg yourbedfile.bed.bbg

This currently only works for hg19 coordinates, and the bed file chromosomes must begin with "chr" and be in the set chr1-22,chrX,chrY,chrMT. They can be converted back with:

python bin/myBedTools3.py merge -bbg yourbedfile.bed.bbg
python bin/myBedTools3.py merge -bsg yourbedfile.bed.bsg

To run with Neanderthal as archaic:

arc=neand # arc=den if running for denisovan
# run on first 5mb of chromosome

python  bin/windowed_calculations.py \
    --s-star \
    --vcf-has-illumina-chrnums \
    -vcfz your_data.vcf.gz \
    -indf sample_pop_mapping_file.txt \
    -ptable program_data/archaic_match_table_files.${arc}_table.fields_8-10.12-.gz.db \
    -target-pops $pop \
    -ref-pops YRI \
    --archaic-vcf $arc_vcf \
    -p 10 \
    -ancbsg program_data/chimp.bsg \
    -winlen  50000 \
    -winstep 10000 \
    -x exclude_bases2.bbg exclude_bases2.bbg \
    -r callable_bases.bbg \
    -ir intersect_callable_bases1.bbg intersect_callable_bases2.bbg \
    -table-query mh len mapped \
    -tag-ids bigpop -tags $pop \
    -range $s $e

Format for sample_pop_mapping_file.txt:

sample  pop     super_pop       gender
UV043   P       PNG     .
UV1003  AN      PNG     .
UV1042  AN      PNG     .
UV1043  AN      PNG     .
UV1134  P       PNG     .

Running on simulated data [not necessary for most analyses]

A toy run with ms output

A toy example ms command with 4 Africans, 2 non-Africans, and one archaic chromosome:

ms 13 1 -s 20 -I 3 8 4 1 .25

And then to calculate S* on that command:

ms 13 1 -s 20 -I 3 8 4 1 .25 \
 | python bin/windowed_calculations.py     \
 -vcf - -ms         -target-pops 1     -ref-pops 0     \
 -p 10     -s-star     -winlen 50000     -winstep 50000 \
 --ms-pop-sizes 3 8 4 1  --ms-num-diploid-inds 6 \
 -msarc 2

A few details:

  • --ms-pop-sizes 3 8 4 1: Formatted like ms's -I parameter
  • --ms-num-diploid-inds 6: The number of diploid modern human individuals
  • -msarc 2: The archaic population, numbered from 0. This has to be the last population (i.e., here we're simulating populations 0,1,2)

A more realistic ms command

Population 1 is Africans, Population 2 is East Asian, Population 3 is European. In bin/generate_ms_params.scale_mig.py, -p1 108 -p2 0 -p3 1 means simulate 108 Africans, no East Asians, and 1 European. No archaic individuals are simulated.


python2 bin/generate_ms_params.scale_mig.py -mig 0 -m asn_ea_aa \
 -N0 7310 -gen-time 25 -s2b 1032 \
 -s3b 554 -seg $seg -recomb ${recomb}e-8 \
 --arc-chrs 0 -p1 108 -p2 0 -p3 1 \
 -r -ms ~/bin/ms -n $nsam -split23 45000 \
 --rescale-migration-eur-asn-afr  \
 |  python  ../../bin/windowed_calculations.py     \
 -vcf - -ms         -target-pops 1     -ref-pops 0     \
 -p 10     -s-star     -winlen 50000     -winstep 50000 \
 --ms-pop-sizes 2 216 2  --ms-num-diploid-inds 109 \
 --tag-ids recomb --tags $recomb \

More models can be found here

Commands to run S* on those models here

Assign S* Thresholds from Simulated Data

This requires a precomputed glm model, fitting recombination rate and diversity to S* quantiles. This model is in the supporting data folder.

for f in s_star_results*.gz ; do
    bin/process_sstar_into_haplotypes3.R $f

Compute Posterior Probabilities and Assign Introgressed Status

Combine all chromosome files into one large file for neand and one for den:

bin/tsvcatgz s_star_results_neand_chr*.gz.processed_haps.gz | gzip -c > s_star_results_neand.ALLCHRS.gz.processed_haps.gz
bin/tsvcatgz s_star_results_den_chr*.gz.processed_haps.gz | gzip -c > s_star_results_den.ALLCHRS.gz.processed_haps.gz

make the outputdir:

mkdir output

Run the script:

time Rscript bin/pval_LL_methods_pick_a_model.R $pop s_star_results_neand.ALLCHRS.gz.processed_haps.gz s_star_results_den.ALLCHRS.gz.processed_haps.gz output