
Google Lighthouse (CI) hosted on AWS ECS Fargate deployed through AWS-CDK2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

LHCI-Fargate v1.70

lhci-cli v0.13.0

Deployment of Lighthouse CI through AWS-CDK onto AWS Fargate.

Table of Contents


  1. Configure cdk.json with your Route 53 forward zone and desired CNAME record name
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build
  4. cdk deploy
  5. lhci wizard will yield something similar to:

troy:/mnt/c/coderepo/lhci-fargate$ lhci wizard

? Which wizard do you want to run? new-project

? What is the URL of your LHCI server? https://lhci.example.com

? What would you like to name the project? lhci-fargate

? Where is the project's code hosted? https://github.com/example/lhci-fargate

? What branch is considered the repo's trunk or main branch? main

  1. Modify your lighthouserc.js file accordingly:
module.exports = {
    ci: {
    collect: {
        url: "https://www.example.com",
        maxAutodiscoverUrls: 3,
        numberOfRuns: 2,
        settings: {
            chromeFlags: "--no-sandbox",
            onlyCategories: ["performance", "best-practices", "accessibility", "seo"],
            skipAudits: ['uses-http2', 'uses-long-cache-ttl', 'link-text']
            // hostname: ""
    // assert: {
    //     assertions: {
    //       'categories:performance': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 0.9, aggregationMethod: 'median-run' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:accessibility': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:best-practices': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //       'categories:seo': [
    //         'error',
    //         { minScore: 1, aggregationMethod: 'pessimistic' },
    //       ],
    //     },
    //   },
    upload: {
        target: 'lhci',
        serverBaseUrl: 'https://lhci.example.com',
        ignoreDuplicateBuildFailure: true,
        allowOverwriteOfLatestBranchBuild: true
  1. Replace the buildToken value provided by lhci-wizard in the lighthouserc.js file with the token value as seen above (shown under upload)

  2. Browse to the LHCI server (for example, https://lhci.example.com , click the left navigational\drop down pane (looking for the value set previously and click the gear in the upper-hand left corner)

  3. Add in the adminToken to the field in the settings for the LH project

  4. Run lhci autorun to run the lh-cli with the settings defined in the .lighthouserc.js file

    PS C:\coderepo\lhci-fargate> lhci autorun
    ✅  .lighthouseci/ directory writable
    ✅  Configuration file found
    ✅  Chrome installation found
    ⚠️   GitHub token not set
    ✅  Ancestor hash determinable
    ✅  LHCI server reachable
    ✅  LHCI server API-compatible
    ✅  LHCI server token valid
    ✅  LHCI server can accept a build for this commit hash
    Healthcheck passed!
    Running Lighthouse 2 time(s) on https://www.example.com
    Run #1...done.
    Run #2...done.
    Done running Lighthouse!
    Saving CI project lhci-fargate (780548b4-d479-4403-9500-e57f87b64d8d)
    Saving CI build (9e77cb40-546e-4c64-b7b1-0ad538255d9b)
    Saved LHR to https://lhci.example.com (2d027171-faf1-40af-bbdb-a4cc8a04a4d5)
    Saved LHR to https://lhci.example.com (eef82c8e-cf94-4b3d-a76e-b4e7044e2096)
    Done saving build results to Lighthouse CI
    View build diff at https://lhci.example.com/app/projects/lhci-fargate/compare/9e77cb40-546e-4c64-b7b1-0ad538255d9b
    No GitHub token set, skipping GitHub status check.
    Done running autorun.
  5. Observe the results on the lhci server. Browse to: https://lhci.example.com


Diagram (example)


Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template