Borrow is an application to help track what items (money, computers, pets, etc...) that you have loaned to friends or other users.
This application is currently in development.
##Task List (in development)
- Loan item to another user
- Upload item
- Delete Item
- Take back a shared item.
- Pop up account creation
- OmniAuth
- Tool Tip to Explain Action
- Make Profile Larger
- Add Logout Link To Home
- Make LOWNER clickable
- Update background for app pages
- Update flash notices/alerts
- Fix link styling in nav bar
- Switch up colors for app pages
- Make other tables expandable
- Center Table Text
- Create different size images for mobile screens. (media queries)
- Devise authenticate
- Devise mailer to reset password
- Only currrent user can go to their own profile. No public profiles.
- Test User.rb
- Test item_share.rb
- Test item.rb
- Twilio
- AJAX response on deletes and shares
- Mandril setup to email users (if not then just mail:to)
- Email alert if a user has shared something with you