Inflation Calculator

A website for calculating buying power of the United States dollar from 1913 to present. An experiment with React


This site is built with Gulp and Harp. You'll need Node.js as well. Once you have Node installed, run the following:

npm install gulp -g
npm install harp -g

Then from within the directory of this project, run

npm install -d

to install the development dependencies.

There are 3 scripts:

  • npm run start : Starts up the Harp server on localhost:9000
  • npm run build : Compiles the site to _site/
  • npm run publish : Publishes the site to Amazon S3, you must first have a .env file with S3_KEY and S3_SECRET.

Data Source

CPI data was retrieved from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Series CUUR0000AA0.