
Support for starting the Linux services in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows startup

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WSL Autostart

Support for starting the Linux services in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows startup.

README | 中文文档

Table of Contents


  • Clone to any directory using the git command: (e.g C:\wsl-autostart)
git clone https://github.com/troytse/wsl-autostart
  • Add a startup item to the registry. run-regedit

  • Add a string item under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (e.g WSLAutostart) regedit-new-item

  • Set the path to the script (e.g C:\wsl-autostart\start.vbs) regedit-set-path


  • Modify /etc/sudoers in the WSL to specify the service commands calling on startup without a password.

  • For example,

    • for the distribution Ubuntu and other Debian derivates:

      %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/cron
      %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/ssh
      %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/mysql
      %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache2
    • for the distribution Opensuse:

      %users ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron
  • Modify commands.txt in the wsl-autostart directory to specify the service commands accordingly. For example,

    • for the distribution Ubuntu and other Debian derivates:

    • for the distribution Opensuse:


Other methods

  • Using gpedit.msc, it is possible to define a program that runs when the computer starts

    Note that the configured program will run as the system user.

  • Using taskschd.msc, it is possible to schedule a task after the startup of the computer.

    You may configure which user will run the program, a delay before a run and a number of retries. the same taskschd.msc program will show a specific log regarding the execution of the task

See here how to avoid the UAC prompt. One option is:

  1. create an elevated shortcut by https://winaero.com/blog/create-elevated-shortcut-to-skip-uac-prompt-in-windows-10/ (or more conveniently by the Winaero Tweaker as pointed out at the end of these instruction) and
  2. put it into the startup folder %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.