troytse/wsl-autostart may include instructions to use windows admin tools instead of modifying registry

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The suggests an installation that modify the windows registry. Instead of that option, it is possible to configure Windows 10 to run a program when the computer starts using a startup policy or a scheduled task using administrative tools.

  • Using gpedit.msc, it is possible to define a program that run when the computer starts
    • Note that the configured program will run as the SYSTEMuser.
  • Using taskschd.msc, it is possible to schedule a task after the startup of the computer.
    • You may configure which user will run the program, a delay before run and a number of retries.
    • the same taskschd.msc program will show a specific log regarding the execution of the task

In addition, note that the scheduled task can be created programmatically using Powershell. An user may run a .ps1 script to installs the wsl-autostart as a scheduled task very easily.

Thanks for your suggestions,
I will add these features in next time :)