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OpenTelemetry is a popular observability framework and toolkit used for creating and managing telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. We provide an OpenTelemetry Telemetry plugin that allows users to easily use OpenTelemetry for collecting and reporting telemetry data in tRPC-Cpp.

In the OpenTelemetry Telemetry plugin, the reported traces and logs data are using the OpenTelemetry protocol, while the reporting of metrics data utilizes the prometheus capabilities of the framework, using the Prometheus format.


For detailed examples, please refer to the OpenTelemetry examples.


To use the OpenTelemetry Telemetry plugin in a project, you need to follow these steps for integration.

Import dependencies


  1. Import repository

    Import the cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry repository and its dependencies in your project's WORKSPACE file.

    load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
        name = "trpc_cpp",
        remote = "https://github.com/trpc-group/trpc-cpp.git",
        branch = "main",
    load("@trpc_cpp//trpc:workspace.bzl", "trpc_workspace")
        name = "cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry",
        remote = "https://github.com/trpc-ecosystem/cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry.git",
        branch = "main",
    load("@cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry//trpc:workspace.bzl", "telemetry_opentelemetry_workspace")
  2. Import plugin

    Import the "trpc/telemetry/opentelemetry:opentelemetry_telemetry_api" dependency in the targets that require OpenTelemetry. For example:

        name = "helloworld_server",
        srcs = ["helloworld_server.cc"],
        deps = [
  3. Compilation options

    • Since the metrics feature relies on the prometheus capability of the framework, to use the metrics functionality of the plugin, you need to include the "trpc_include_prometheus" compilation option. For example, add the following line to your .bazelrc file:

      build --define trpc_include_prometheus=true
    • Since the logging feature is still in preview in the current version of opentelemetry-cpp (v1.9.1), to use the logging functionality of the plugin, you need to add the "ENABLE_LOGS_PREVIEW" compilation macro. For example, add the following line to your .bazelrc file:

      build --copt="-DENABLE_LOGS_PREVIEW"


Please refer to below code snippets of CMakeLists.txt:

# Enable promethues

# First, import trpc-cpp.
    GIT_REPOSITORY    https://github.com/trpc-group/trpc-cpp.git
    GIT_TAG           change_to_tag_you_use
    SOURCE_DIR        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_third_party/trpc-cpp

# Then, import cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry
    GIT_REPOSITORY    https://github.com/trpc-ecosystem/cpp-telemetry-opentelemetry.git
    GIT_TAG           change_to_tag_you_use
    SOURCE_DIR        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_third_party/trpc_cpp_telemetry_opentelemetry

# Last, link to your target
target_link_libraries(your_target trpc


The OpenTelemetry plugin provides an interface for registering plugin and filters called ::trpc::opentelemetry::Init. The users need to call this interface for initialization before starting the framework.

  1. For server scenarios, users need to call it in the TrpcApp::RegisterPlugins function during service startup:

    #include "trpc/telemetry/opentelemetry/opentelemetry_telemetry_api.h"
    class HelloworldServer : public ::trpc::TrpcApp {
      int RegisterPlugins() override {
        return 0;
  2. For pure client scenarios, it needs to be called after initializing the framework configuration but before starting other modules of the framework:

    #include "trpc/telemetry/opentelemetry/opentelemetry_telemetry_api.h"
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
      ParseClientConfig(argc, argv);
      return ::trpc::RunInTrpcRuntime([]() { return Run(); });

Configure the plugin

It necessary to add the configuration of the OpenTelemetry plugin in the framework's configuration file.

      protocol: http
      selector_name: direct
      timeout: 10000
        fraction: 0.001
        disable_trace_body: true
        enable_deferred_sample: false
        deferred_sample_error: false
        deferred_sample_slow_duration: 500
        disable_parent_sampling: false
          tenant.id: default
        enabled: false
        client_histogram_buckets: [0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5]
        server_histogram_buckets: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5]
          - code: 100014
            type: success
            description: success_desc
          - code: 100015
            type: timeout
            description: timeout_desc
          - code: 100016
            type: exception
            description: exception_desc
            service: ""
            method: ""
        enabled: true
        level: info
        enable_sampler: true
        enable_sampler_error: true
          tenant.id: default

The description of the configuration options is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Configuration Description
addr string Yes OpenTelemetry backend service address, receiving data in OpenTelemetry protocol
protocol string No, default value is "http" Communication protocol of the backend service, currently supporting "http" and "grpc" protocols
selector_name string No, default value is "domain" The method of route selection
timeout int No, default value is 10000 Timeout for reporting data, in milliseconds
sampler:fraction double No, default value is 1 Sampling rate, 1 means full sampling, 0 means no sampling, 0.001 means reporting traces data once for every 1000 calls on average.
traces:disable_trace_body bool No, default value is true When reporting traces data, whether to upload request and response data, default is off
traces:enable_deferred_sample bool No, default value is false Whether to enable deferred sampling, additionally reporting erroneous and high latency calls
traces:deferred_sample_error bool No, default value is false Whether to sample erroneous calls, with the prerequisite that enable_deferred_sample is set to true
traces:deferred_sample_slow_duration int No, default value is 500 Calls with latency higher than this value will be sampled, with the prerequisite that enable_deferred_sample is set to true
traces:disable_parent_sampling bool No, default value is false Whether to disable inheriting the upstream sampling flag
traces:resources Mapping No, default is empty Resource attributes of the Span
metrics:enabled bool No, default value is false Whether to enable metrics feature
metrics:client_histogram_buckets Sequences No, default value is [0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5] Statistical interval for client-side latency distribution in ModuleReport, measured in seconds.
metrics:server_histogram_buckets Sequences No, default is [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5] Statistical interval for server-side latency distribution in ModuleReport, measured in seconds.
metrics:codes Mapping No, default is empty Error code mapping table, used for customizing error code types
logs:enabled bool No, default value is false Whether to report remote logs
logs:level string No, default value is "error" Log level, only logs with level greater than or equal to level will be reported. Value range: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"
logs:enable_sampler bool No, default value is false Whether to report only sampled logs, when enabled, only logs of the current sampled call will be reported
logs:enable_sampler_error bool No, default value is false Used in conjunction with enable_sampler, for unsampled calls, if their log level is greater than or equal to error, it will also trigger reporting
logs:resources Mapping No, default is empty Resource attributes of the logs

Configure the filters

The OpenTelemetry plugin automatically performs the reporting of traces and inter-module metrics data through the filters.

Enable ClientFilter

Just add the OpenTelemetry filter in the client configuration of the framework:

    - opentelemetry

Enable ServerFilter

Just add the OpenTelemetry filter in the server configuration of the framework:

    - opentelemetry

Features introduction

The interfaces of OpenTelemetry plugin mentioned in this section can be imported through the "trpc/telemetry/opentelemetry/opentelemetry_telemetry_api.h" file.

Distributed tracing

Collect and report

After configuring the filters, the framework will automatically collect and report traces data during the RPC invocation process. The reported Span information includes the following contents.

  1. Common data

    • Resource

      In addition to the Resource attributes configured by the user in traces:resources, the framework also automatically adds the following attributes.

      Key Value
      service.name app.server
    • Attribute

      Key Value
      net.host.ip Caller IP address
      net.host.port Caller port
      net.peer.ip Callee IP address
      net.peer.port Callee port
      trpc.caller_service Caller service name
      trpc.caller_method Caller method name
      trpc.callee_service Callee service name
      trpc.callee_method Callee method name
      trpc.namespace Namespace
      trpc.envname Env
      trpc.dyeing_key Dyeing data of the framework
      trpc.framework_ret Framework error code (set only when an error occurs during the call)
      trpc.func_ret Interface error code (set only when an error occurs during the call)
      trpc.err_msg Error message (set only when an error occurs during the call)
    • Status

      Set to StatusCode::kOk when the call is successful, and set to StatusCode::kError when the call fails.

  2. Specific attributes

    The Span created by the client filter has a spanKind of SPAN_KIND_CLIENT, and the spanName is the name of the downstream interface being called. The Span created by the server filter has a spanKind of SPAN_KIND_SERVER, and the spanName is the name of the interface currently being called.

  3. Request/Response data

    By default, the framework does not add request and response data to the Span information because converting request and response data to JSON format can affect request latency. If you confirm that you need to upload this part of the data to help locate the problem, you can set traces:disable_trace_body to false in the configuration file. After setting, the request and response data will be recorded in two EVENTs named SENT and RECEIVE.

    Note that:

    • Currently, only the data with Protobuf encoding type is supported for reporting.

    • In order to avoid affecting the reporting efficiency when the request/response packet is too large, the framework will truncate the contents of large packets. Users can set the truncation threshold by themselves.

      /// @brief Sets the maximum allowed length of the request/response data that can be reported
      /// @note The interface is not thread-safe, and users should only set it during the framework initialization process.
      void SetMaxStringLength(uint32_t limit);

Note that:

  • In the proxy mode, it is necessary to invoke the framework's MakeClientContext interface to construct the ClientContext based on the ServerContext. Otherwise, the call relationship between the server and client will be lost, and a complete call chain cannot be formed.


  1. Default sampling rules

    The logic is as follows:

    • If the upstream called has been sampled, the current call is also sampled.
    • If the upstream is not sampled, it is sampled according to the sampler:fraction sampling rate.
  2. Advanced control

    In the actual applications, services usually have a large amount of flow and are not suitable for full reporting. This will cause some critical call chains to not be reported, making it difficult for users to effectively analyze and locate problems. Therefore, we have added some control methods to enable users to selectively report some special calls.

    • Force sampling

      Feature: Users can decide whether to force sampling for the current call based on the specific request information.


      • Customize a callback function that sets Span startup attributes

        The type of callback function is:

        /// @brief The type definition of the span's startup attributes setting function. Users can customize startup attributes
        ///        through this callback function.
        /// @param context The context of this call
        /// @param req Pointer to request data, which can be converted to a pointer of a specific request type.
        /// @param [out] attributes Span's startup attributes. It will be passed as the attributes parameter when creating a
        ///                         Span, and can be used in the Sampler. It will ultimately be reflected in the attributes of
        ///                         the reported Span.
        using ServerTraceAttributesFunc = std::function<void(const trpc::ServerContextPtr& context, const void* req,
                                                             std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& attributes)>;

        Custom the callback function:

        void TraceAttributesCallback(const trpc::ServerContextPtr& context, const void* req,
                                     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& attributes) {
          if (context->GetFuncName() == "/trpc.test.route.Forward/Route") {
            auto hello_request = static_cast<const ::trpc::test::helloworld::HelloRequest*>(req);
            if (hello_request->msg() == "force") {
              attributes[::trpc::opentelemetry::kForceSampleKey] = "sample";

        In the callback function, users can judge the request information based on the context and req parameters. If you decide to sample the call, just need to add an attribute with the key "::trpc::opentelemetry::kForceSampleKey" in the attributes.

      • Register callback function

        The registration interface:

        /// @brief Sets server-side span's startup attributes setting function
        /// @note The interface is not thread-safe, and users should only set it during the framework initialization process.
        void SetServerTraceAttrsFunc(ServerTraceAttributesFunc func);

        Register the callback function when the service starts:

        #include "trpc/telemetry/opentelemetry/opentelemetry_telemetry_api.h"
        class HelloworldServer : public ::trpc::TrpcApp {
          int RegisterPlugins() override {
            return 0;
    • Deferred sampling

      Feature: Automatically report calls that have errors and high latency.

      Usage: Set traces:enable_deferred_sample to true. Then set traces:deferred_sample_error and traces:deferred_sample_slow_duration as needed.


      • After enabling deferred sampling, the judgment of whether to sample is delayed to the reporting stage, and even Spans that will not be reported in the end will perform actual setting operations. It will affect the request latency, and users need to weigh its impact before enabling it.
  3. Complete sampling rules

    The logic is as follows. It is executed from top to bottom, and if the sampling condition is hit, it will not continue to execute downward.

    • If the startup attributes contain ::trpc::opentelemetry::kForceSampleKey, it is sampled.
    • If traces:disable_parent_sampling is false and the upstream called has been sampled, it is sampled.
    • Random sampling is performed according to the sampler:fraction sampling rate. If it hits, it is sampled.
    • If deferred sampling is enabled, it is set to RECORD_ONLY, and whether to sample is delayed to the reporting stage.
    • Otherwise, it is not sampled.

Customize span operation

You can retrieve the current Span from the ServerContext using the ::trpc::opentelemetry::GetTracingSpan interface and then use the native API of opentelemetry-cpp to setup the Span.

using OpenTelemetryTracingSpanPtr = ::opentelemetry::nostd::shared_ptr<::opentelemetry::trace::Span>;

/// @brief Gets the span.
/// @param context server context
/// @return Return the span saved in the context. Note that OpenTelemetryTracingSpanPtr(nullptr) will be returned when
///         there is no valid span in the context.
OpenTelemetryTracingSpanPtr GetTracingSpan(const ServerContextPtr& context);

Additionally, we provide convenient interfaces to retrieve the TraceID and SpanID of the current call.

/// @brief Gets the trace id.
/// @param context server context
/// @return Return the trace id of the context. Note that empty string will be return when there is no valid span in the
///         context.
std::string GetTraceID(const ServerContextPtr& context);

/// @brief Gets the span id.
/// @param context server context
/// @return Return the span id of the context. Note that empty string will be return when there is no valid span in the
///         context.
std::string GetSpanID(const ServerContextPtr& context);

Customize the traces transmission method for the corresponding protocol

Different protocols have different methods for transmitting metadata. For example, the trpc protocol uses transparent information for passing information, while the http protocol can utilize headers for transmission. Therefore, OpenTelemetry plugin supports configuring different traces transmission methods for different protocols..

The plugins currently only support information transmission for the trpc and http protocols. Other protocols will default to using the same transparent transmission method as the trpc protocol. If the used protocol does not comply with this method, a custom transmission method is required.


  1. Customize TextMapCarrier for setting and extracting traces data in the opentelemetry-cpp SDK.

    using TextMapCarrierPtr = std::unique_ptr<::opentelemetry::context::propagation::TextMapCarrier>;
  2. Customize ClientTextMapCarrierFunc and ServerTextMapCarrierFunc to construct TextMapCarrier based on the Context.

    using ClientTextMapCarrierFunc = std::function<TextMapCarrierPtr(const ClientContextPtr& context)>;
    using ServerTextMapCarrierFunc = std::function<TextMapCarrierPtr(const ServerContextPtr& context)>;
  3. Register ClientTextMapCarrierFunc and ServerTextMapCarrierFunc during program startup.

    /// @brief Sets a client-side TextMapCarrier retrieval function for a specific protocol.
    /// @param protocol_name protocol name
    /// @param carrier_func TextMapCarrier retrieval function
    void SetClientCarrierFunc(const std::string& protocol_name, const ClientTextMapCarrierFunc& carrier_func);
    /// @brief Sets a server-side TextMapCarrier retrieval function for a specific protocol.
    /// @param protocol_name protocol name
    /// @param carrier_func TextMapCarrier retrieval function
    void SetServerCarrierFunc(const std::string& protocol_name, const ServerTextMapCarrierFunc& carrier_func);

You can refer to the implementation of the trpc and http protocols in client_filter.cc and server_filter.cc.

Metrics reporting

The prerequisite for the normal use of the metrics reporting function is to add the Prometheus compilation option at compilation and set metrics: enabled to true in the configuration file.


After configuring the filters, the framework will automatically collect and report inter-module data during RPC calls.


Metric Name Metric Type Description
rpc_client_started_total Counter Total number of calls initiated by the client
rpc_client_handled_total Counter Total number of calls completed by the client
rpc_client_handled_seconds Histogram Distribution of client-side call latency (unit: s)
rpc_server_started_total Counter Total number of requests received by the server
rpc_server_handled_total Counter Total number of requests processed by the server
rpc_server_handled_seconds Histogram Distribution of server-side call latency (unit: s)

All of these statistics include the following statistical labels:

Key Value
caller_service Caller service name
caller_method Caller method name
callee_service Called service name
callee_method Called method name

handled_seconds will have additional statistical labels related to the call result:

Key Value
code Call status code
code_type Status code type, with values of 'success', 'timeout', 'exception'
code_desc Status code description


In addition to automatically collecting RPC call data, the plugin also defines a set of attribute metrics items internally, allowing users to collect and analyze other required data.

Metrics Name Type
opentelemetry_counter_report Counter
opentelemetry_gauge_report Gauge
opentelemetry_summary_report Summary
opentelemetry_histogram_report Histogram

The statistical strategies provided by the plugin are as follow.

Statistical Strategy Corresponding Metrics Item Description
::trpc::MetricsPolicy::SET opentelemetry_gauge_report Set the value, monitor the changes in values.
::trpc::MetricsPolicy::SUM opentelemetry_counter_report Calculate the cumulative count of the data.
::trpc::MetricsPolicy::MID opentelemetry_summary_report Calculate the median value of the data.
::trpc::MetricsPolicy::QUANTILES opentelemetry_summary_report Calculate the specific quantile value of statistical data.
::trpc::MetricsPolicy::HISTOGRAM opentelemetry_histogram_report Calculate the interval distribution of statistical data.

Corresponding to these statistical policies, the plugin provides the following reporting interfaces.

  1. Report the data with type SET

    namespace trpc::opentelemetry {
    /// @brief Reports metrics data with SET type
    /// @param labels metrics labels
    /// @param value the value to set
    /// @return Return 0 for success and non-zero for failure.
    int ReportSetMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, double value);
  2. Report the data with type SUM

    namespace trpc::opentelemetry {
    /// @brief Reports metrics data with SUM type
    /// @param labels metrics labels
    /// @param value the value to increment
    /// @return Return 0 for success and non-zero for failure.
    int ReportSumMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, double value);
  3. Report the data with type MID

    namespace trpc::opentelemetry {
    /// @brief Reports metrics data with MID type
    /// @param labels metrics labels
    /// @param value the value to observe
    /// @return Return 0 for success and non-zero for failure.
    int ReportMidMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, double value);
  4. Report the data with type QUANTILES

    namespace trpc::opentelemetry {
    /// @brief Reports metrics data with QUANTILES type
    /// @param labels metrics labels
    /// @param quantiles the quantiles used to gather summary statistics
    /// @param value the value to observe
    /// @return Return 0 for success and non-zero for failure.
    int ReportQuantilesMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, const SummaryQuantiles& quantiles,
                                double value);
  5. Report the data with type HISTOGRAM

    namespace trpc::opentelemetry {
    /// @brief Reports metrics data with HISTOGRAM type
    /// @param labels metrics labels
    /// @param bucket the bucket used to gather histogram statistics
    /// @param value the value to observe
    /// @return Return 0 for success and non-zero for failure.
    int ReportHistogramMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, const HistogramBucket& bucket,
                                double value);
    int ReportHistogramMetricsInfo(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& labels, HistogramBucket&& bucket,
                                double value);

Error Code Mapping

The OpenTelemetry plugin's metrics will calculate the success rate, timeout rate, and exception rate of RPC calls based on status codes. The plugin's default status code differentiation policy is:

  • 0: Success
  • 21, 24, 101, 102: Timeout
  • Others: Exception

If the business needs to customize the type of status codes (including framework status codes and business custom status codes), it can be customized through metrics: codes in the configuration.

For example, if a user thinks that returning 10001 from the server is a normal situation and should not be counted as an exception, it can be defined as follows:

          - code: 10001
            type: success
            description: exception_desc
            service: ""
            method: ""

After the configuration, the plugin will report the case of returning the error code 10001 as a successful call. service and method can be left unconfigured, and the default logic is to match all services and all methods. If the rule only applies to a specific service and method, it can be specified more specifically.

Note: type only supports the three types of "success", "timeout", and "exception", and other types are not effective.

Logs Collection

The prerequisite for the normal use of the logs reporting function is to add the log compilation option at compilation and set logs:enabled to true in the configuration file.

Logs Reporting

The OpenTelemetry log can be printed using the framework's log macro with the instance and context parameters specified, where instance is set to ::trpc::opentelemetry::kOpenTelemetryLoggerName.

For example:

TRPC_LOGGER_FMT_INFO_EX(context, ::trpc::opentelemetry::kOpenTelemetryLoggerName, "msg: {}", "test");
TRPC_LOGGER_PRT_INFO_EX(context, ::trpc::opentelemetry::kOpenTelemetryLoggerName, "msg: %s", "test");
TRPC_LOGGER_INFO_EX(context, ::trpc::opentelemetry::kOpenTelemetryLoggerName, "msg:" << "test");

The decision of whether to report logs has three configuration options: logs:level, logs:enable_sampler, and logs:enable_sampler_error. The control logic for each is as follows:

  • logs:level: Only logs with levels greater than or equal to level will be reported.
  • logs:enable_sampler: If true, only logs that hit the sampling will be reported, and logs that don't hit the sampling will not be reported. If false, all logs will be reported. (Sampling hit means that the call chain of this call is sampled)
  • logs:enable_sampler_error: Only effective when enable_sampler is true. The effect is that even if the sampling is not hit, if the level of the logged message is greater than or equal to error, the error log will also be reported.