
:inbox_tray: Convert an unknown type to a string, boolean, or number (integer, or float)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

astype NPM version

Convert an unknown type to a string, boolean, or number (integer, or float)


$ npm install --save astype


import as from 'astype';

as.number('1'); // 1
as.integer('55.1'); // 55
as.boolean(0); // false
as.string(true); // "true"

Available conversions

  • number(...) (aliases: double(), float())
    • allows decimal places (1.1)
  • integer(...)
    • truncates decimal places (1.1 => 1)
  • boolean(...) (aliases: bool())
  • string(...)


Options can be used to modify the behavior of the conversions.
These can be set in two ways:

  • Global will affect the behavior anytime that function is used
  • Query will affect the behavior in that instance


Setting a global option will modify the behavior anytime a function is called.
This allows simplier syntax when using the same rules.

  number: { ... },
  boolean: { ... },
  string: { ... }

You can also unset global options as well.
Passing an empty object or null will unset all options under that key.

  number: { ... },
  boolean: { ... },
  string: { ... }


You can also pass through options in the conversion.
This will change the behavior in this instance, but will not change any globally set options.
these take presidence over any global options.

as.number(..., { ... })
as.number(null, { allowNull: false }); // 0

Available Options


  • allowNull (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value null
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if null
  • allowUndefined (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value undefined
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if undefined
  • allowNaN (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value NaN
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if NaN
  • allowInfinity (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value Infinity
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if Infinity
  • allowFindInString (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can will pick out numbers from a string
      (eg: 'abc123!' => 123)
    • If false: conversion will return NaN if allowNaN is true, otherwise 0
  • allowDecimals (default: true)

    • If true: will allow decimal places in numbers (eg: '1.9' => 1.9)
    • If false: will truncate decimal places (eg: '1.9' => 1)


  • allowNull (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value null
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if null
  • allowUndefined (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value undefined
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if undefined
  • parseString (default: true)

    • If true: will parse the strings "true" and "false" to true and false respectively
    • If false: will parse the string to a boolean (Boolean("string"))
  • convertNumbers (default: true)

    • If true: if the input is a number (or string that is a number), it will parse as a number first, then convert to a boolean
      (eg: '1' => 1 => true)
    • If false: will parse the string to a boolean (Boolean(1))


  • allowNull (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value null
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if null
  • allowUndefined (default: true)

    • If true: conversion can return the value undefined
    • If false: conversion will return 0 if undefined


MIT © Tyler Stewart