# Challenge Project: Mini Game


### The code declares the following variables:

-   [x] Variables to determine the size of the Terminal window.
-   [x] Variables to track the locations of the player and food.
-   [x] Arrays `states` and `foods` to provide available player and food appearances
-   [x] Variables to track the current player and food appearance

### The code provides the following methods:

-   [x] A method to determine if the Terminal window was resized.
-   [x] A method to display a random food appearance at a random location.
-   [x] A method that changes the player appearance to match the food consumed.
-   [x] A method that temporarily freezes the player movement.
-   [x] A method that moves the player according to directional input.
-   [x] A method that sets up the initial game state.

### The code doesn't call the methods correctly to make the game playable. The following features are missing:

-   [x] Code to determine if the player has consumed the food displayed.
-   [ ] Code to determine if the food consumed should freeze player movement.
-   [ ] Code to determine if the food consumed should increase player movement.
-   [ ] Code to increase movement speed.
-   [ ] Code to redisplay the food after it's consumed by the player.
-   [x] Code to terminate execution if an unsupported key is entered.
-   [x] Code to terminate execution if the terminal was resized.